View from South
Exterior: Eastern Facade
Interior: Detail of Ceiling above Altar
Interior: Detail of Pillar on South side of Nave
Interior: View of Dome Ceiling
Interior: Detail of Nave Capitals
Interior: Detail of Pillars on South side of Nave
Interior: Nave, facing East
Exterior: Western facade
Exterior: Western facade
Exterior: Western facade
Interior: Southeast Ambulatory
Interior: Southern arcade, triforium, and clerestory
Interior: Vaulting in the aisle
Interior: Pillar Detail
Interior: Aisle
Interior: Choir and apse vaulting and stained glass
Interior: Apse
Interior: Vaulting Detail
Interior: Vaulting Detail
Interior: Vaulting Detail
Interior: Choir and Apse Vaulting
Exterior: Southern Facade
Exterior: Southern Facade
Exterior: Southern Facade
Exterior: Southern Facade
Exterior: Southern Facade
Exterior: Southern Facade
Exterior: Eastern Facade
Exterior: Eastern Facade
Exterior: Northern Gate, View of Cathedral in the Background
Exterior: Northern Gate, View of Cathedral in the Background
Exterior: Northern Gate, View of Cathedral in the Background
Exterior: Northern Gate
Exterior: View from Northern Entrance
Exterior: View from Northern Entrance
Exterior: View from Northern Entrance
Exterior: View from Northern Entrance
Exterior: View from Northern Entrance
Exterior: Western facade
Exterior: Western facade
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Interior: North nave elevation looking East
Exterior: Western frontpiece, central portal, south side
Exterior: Western frontpiece, central portal, south side
Exterior: Western facade
Exterior: North flank, transept elevation
Exterior: North flank, transept elevation
Exterior: North transept and aisle elevation
Exterior: North transept, buttresses
Exterior: North transept, buttresses
Exterior: East apse and North transept elevation
Exterior: East apse elevation, buttresses
Exterior: East apse elevation, buttresses
Exterior: East apse elevation looking North
Exterior: East apse elevation looking North
Exterior: East apse elevation looking North
Exterior: Western facade
Exterior: Western facade
Exterior: Southern portal, Zlatá brána (Golden Gate)
Exterior: Southern tower and Zlatá brána (Golden Gate)
Exterior: Detail of Southern facade
Exterior: Detail of Southern tower, aisle elevation, spires
Exterior: Detail of Southern facade
Exterior: Southern portal, Zlatá brána (Golden Gate)
Exterior: Southern portal, Zlatá brána (Golden Gate)
Exterior: View of connecting bridge and facade
Exterior: Southern facade, chapels
Exterior: Southern facade, choir and chapels
Exterior: Southern facade, choir and chapels
Exterior: View of connecting bridge from South
Exterior: View of connecting bridge from South
Exterior: Western facade
Interior: Apse and South nave elevation looking East
Interior: Narthex and nave elevation looking West
Interior: Narthex and nave elevation looking West
Exterior: Detail of Western facade and Tower
Exterior: Detail of Western facade and Tower
Exterior: Detail of Western facade and Tower
Exterior: Detail of Western facade and Tower
Exterior: Apse
Exterior: Apse
Exterior: Looking east on Jiřská, View of Northern tower "…
Northern View from Mánesův most
Northern View from Mánesův most
Exterior: Apse, detail
Exterior: Apse, detail
Interior: Detail
Interior: Detail
Interior: Dome
Interior: Detail
View of Old Town Square looking East
View of Old Town Square looking East
Exterior: Southeast facade
Exterior: Western facade from Old Town Square
Exterior: Western facade from Old Town Square
Exterior: Southeast facade
Apse and towers, view from Štupartská Street
Apse and towers, view from Štupartská Street
Apse and towers, view from Štupartská Street
Apse and towers, view from Štupartská Street
Exterior: Towers, apse, detail
Exterior: Apse, detail
Exterior: Apse, detail
Exterior: Towers, apse, detail
Exterior: Northeast corner, detail
Exterior: North tower
Exterior: Northen portal
Exterior: North nave elevation, South spier
Exterior: North nave elevation, apse detail
Exterior: Northen portal
Exterior: Northen portal
Exterior: Northen portal
Exterior: Northen portal
Exterior: Northen portal
Eastern End of Kostel Nejsvětějšího Salvátora where it meets…
Exterior: Southern facade
Exterior: Southern facade
Exterior: Southeast corner
Exterior: Eastern facade
Exterior: Southeast corner
Exterior: Eastern facade
View on Mostecká facing West
Exterior: Southeast facade, facing Northwest
Exterior: Southeast facade, facing Northwest
Exterior: Southeast facade, facing Northwest