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Exterior: Plaque Above Main Entrance
Interior: Foyer
Interior: Doorway from Foyer into Northwestern Room
Exterior: View Southeast down King Faysal Square from Duke's Divan Balcony
Exterior: Southern Facade from Balcony
Detail: Photographs of Amman
Interior: Entrance Hallway Facing East
Interior: Western Wall of Foyer
Interior: Window in Southern Room
Interior: Southern Wall of Southern Room
Interior: Western End of Southern Room
Interior: Western End of Southern Room
Interior: Western End of Southern Room
Interior: View of Foyer from Southern Room
Interior: View of Foyer from Southern Room
Detail: Photographs in Southern Room
Interior: Southern Room
Interior: Southern Room
Interior: Southern Room
Duke's Divan, Southern Facade
Interior: Southern Room
Interior: Southern Room
Exterior: Duke's Divan
Interior: Southwestern Room, Dining Area
Interior: Southwestern Room, Dining Area
Interior: Southern Room facing East
Exterior: Duke's Divan Southern Facade
Interior: Southern Room Facing Southeast
Interior: Southwestern Room, Dining Area
Interior: Southwestern Room, Dining Area
Interior: Southwestern Room, Dining Area
Interior: Southwestern Room, Facing East into Foyer
Interior: Northwestern Room, Western Wall
Interior: Northwestern Room
Interior: Southwestern Corner of Foyer
Interior: Foyer facing into Northwestern Room
Interior: Duke's Study, Southeastern Room
Interior: Duke's Study Facing South
Interior: Duke's Study Facing West
Interior: Duke's Study Facing North
Interior: Duke's Study, Photograph
Olive Grove Near Cave of the Seven Sleepers
Exterior: Northern Facade
Exterior: Northern Facade
Exterior: Northern Facade
Exterior: Plaza and Eastern Minaret
Exterior: Plaza and Eastern Minaret
Exterior: Plaza and Western Minaret
Exterior: Plaza and Northern Facade
Exterior: Northern Coutyard Entrance
Exterior: Northern Facade Facing Southwest
Exterior: Plaza Facing East, Vegetable Market
Exteiror: Northern Facade, Central Portal
Exterior: Column Detail, Northern Facade
Exterior: View North from Plaza
Exterior, Detail: Column Capital on Northern Facade
Exterior, Detail: Northern Facade, Commemorative Plaque
Exterior, Detail: Cornice, Northern Facade
Exterior, Detail: Keystone, Central Portal, Northern Facade
Exterior, Detail: Keystone, Central Portal
Exterior, Detail: Northern Facade, Tympanum, Central Portal
Exterior, Detail: Northern Facade
Exterior, Detail: Northern Facade
Exterior, Detail: Eastern Minaret
Exterior, Detail: Western Minaret
Exterior, Detail: Cornice, Northern Facade
Interior: Installation of Ornaments and Inscribed Stones and Bones
Installation View of Neolithic Gallery
Interior: Installation View of Inscribed Stones
Installation View of Rock-Cut Stele
Interior: Installation of Stone Fragments
Detail: Artist's Signature
Interior: Installation View of Tombstones
Jars which held scroll fragments
Fragments 28a from Cave Qumran 1, 175 from Cave Qumran 4 (Testamonia), Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) from Cave Qumran 4, Pesher Isaiah from Cave Qumran 4
Bronze Scroll Fragments