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Interior: View of Hippolytus Hall Mosaic and Foundations, West of Church of the Virgin Mary
Interior: Church of the Virgin Mary, Mosaic Floor in Round Nave
North Chapel Mosaic
Interior: Mosaic
Interior: Apse Facing North East into Nave
Interior: Circular Nave, Mosaic Floor
Interior: Circular Nave, Mosaic Floor
Interior: Circular Nave, Mosaic Floor
Interior: Circular Nave, Mosaic Floor
Interior: Mosaic Panels
Interior: Mosaic Panels, Story of Hippolytus
Interior: Mosaic Panels, Decorative Panels West of Narrative Panels
Interior: Hippolytus Hall Facing East into Church of the Virgin Mary
Interior: Mosaic Floor
Interior: Mosaic Panels, Decorative Panels West of Narrative Panels
Interior: Church of the Virgin Mary from Hippolytus Hall Facing East
Interior: Mosaic Floor
Interior: Circular Nave, Moasaic Floor
Interior: Apse Facing West
Vaulted Crypt
Vaulted Crypt
Nave Mosaic
Mosaic from the Presbyterium
Mosaic from the Presbyterium
Nave Mosaic
Exterior: Courtyard Northwest of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Complex
Exterior: Northwestern Corner of the Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Complex
Mosaic from the Presbyterium
Unlabled Mosaic Fragment
Exterior: Courtyard North of Church of the Virgin, Facing Southeast
Interior: Northern Apse Wall Fragments
Interior: Northern Apse Wall Fragments
Interior, Detail: Mosaic Fragment North of Apse Wall
Interior: Apse Floor, Facing North
Exterior: Southwestern Corner of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
Exterior: Facing West Along Roman Road
Exterior: Column Fragment on North Side of the Road
Exterior: Column Fragment on Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
Exterior: Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
Exterior: Column Frgment Along Roman Road
Exterior: Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
Exterior: Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
Exterior: Southernmost Area of Park,
Interior: Crypt, View of South Side Landing, Mosaic of Tree
Interior: Crypt, Apse
Interior: Crypt, Apse
Interior: Mosaic on Floor of Crypt
Interior: Mosaic on Floor of Crypt
Interior: Mosaic on Floor of Crypt
Exterior: Facing Southwest
Exterior: Facing Southeast
Exterior: Facing East
Exterior: Facing East
Exterior: Unlabled Mosaic Fragment