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Exterior: Stairs to Sangatsudo (Hokkedo)
Nigatsudo, Exterior: Stone Stupas
Exterior: Drinking Well
Nigatsudo, Exterior
Exterior: Donations Markers
Hokkedo Kyoko, Exterior
Hokkedo Kyoko, Exterior
Hokkedo Kyoko, Exterior: Architectural Detail
Nigatsudo, Exterior: Entrance and Donation Markers
Nigatsudo, Exterior: Stairway and Donation Markers, Detail
Nigatsudo, Exterior: Donation Markers, Detail
Nigatsudo, Exterior: Donation Markers, Detail
Exterior View: Nigatsudo Stairs, Donation Markers
Exterior: Wall Detail
Exterior: Gate
Exterior: Rice Paddy
Exterior: Stone Jizo Statues
Exterior: Mizuko Jizo Statue
Stone Lantern and Kondo (Golden Hall, Main Hall), Exterior: South Facade
Stone Lantern, Looking South towards South Gate
Kondo (Golden Hall, Main Hall), Exterior: Stairs
Raido (Whorship Hall)/Higashimuro (Eastern Preist's Quarters), Exterior: Stone Basin
Kaidan (Ordination Platform), Exterior