Search the Collection 2224_lantern_353_012 2224_lantern_353_013 2224_lantern_353_014 2224_lantern_353_015 2224_lantern_353_016 2224_lantern_353_017 2224_lantern_353_018 2224_lantern_353_019 2224_lantern_353_020 2224_lantern_353_021 2224_lantern_353_022 2224_lantern_353_023 2224_lantern_353_024 2224_lantern_353_025 2224_lantern_353_026 2224_lantern_353_027 2224_lantern_353_028 2224_lantern_353_029 2224_lantern_353_030 2224_lantern_353_031 2224_lantern_353_032 2224_lantern_353_033 2224_lantern_353_034 2224_lantern_353_035 2224_lantern_353_036 2224_lantern_353_037 2224_lantern_353_038 2224_lantern_353_039 2224_lantern_353_040 2224_lantern_353_041 2224_lantern_353_042 2224_lantern_353_043 2224_lantern_353_044 2224_lantern_353_045 2224_lantern_353_046 2224_lantern_353_047 2224_lantern_353_048 2224_lantern_353_049 2224_lantern_353_050 2224_lantern_353_051 2224_lantern_353_052 2224_lantern_353_053 2224_lantern_353_054 2224_lantern_353_055 2224_lantern_353_056 2224_lantern_353_057 2224_lantern_353_058 2224_lantern_353_059 2224_lantern_353_060 2224_lantern_353_061 2224_lantern_353_063 2224_lantern_353_064 2224_lantern_353_065 2224_lantern_353_066 2224_lantern_353_067 2224_lantern_353_068 2224_lantern_353_069 2224_lantern_353_070 2224_lantern_353_071 Search the Collection Media Type Lantern Slide (635) Subject Stage Design (635) Subject 2 Austria (25) Ballet and Dance (69) England (9) France (76) Germany (97) Italy (91) Magic, Faust, Witchcraft (13) Medieval (45) Miscellaneous (7) Netherlands and Scandanavia (8) Opera (28) Renaissance and Baroque Stage Sets (10) Russia (52) Subject 3 17-19th Century (7) 17th - 19th Century Ballet (9) 18th Century (11) 19th Century (7) Actors, 18th Century (7) Aleotti (2) Angelo II and Eugen Quaglio (7) Bal Masqué (2) Baroque Costume Design (2) Buontalenti (2) Burgtheater Vienna (10) Commedia dell'Arte (10) Court Theatre (14) Dance, Miscellaneous (6) Domenico Fossati (1743-1784) (1) Family Galli-Bibiena (11) Family Quaglio in Munich (13) Festivals of Louis XIV (12) Furttenbach (1591-1667) (8) Germany (28) Goethe (10) Guilio and Alfonso Parigi (2) Historical Realism (1) Inigo Jones (9) Isadora Duncan (1) Jean Bérain (7) Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841) and Gottfried Semper (7) Lorenzo I, Julius, and Giovanni Maria Quaglio (14) Louis XV (8) Maruro, Domenico (1685-93) and Gasparo (1662-86) (8) Medea, 18th Century (3) Medieval and Renaissance Secular Theatre (13) Modern Ballet, 20th Century (37) Oberammergay (1860-1933) (5) Perspective (4) Peruzzi (3) Piranesi (9) Pozzo (2) Religious Theatre (23) Russian Ballets (16) Scenes, 18th Century (31) Seneca and Terence in Middle Ages and Renaissance (4) Serlio and His Influence (2) Shakespeare Theatre (6) Simon Quaglio (16) Stage Machinery (2) Tableaux Vivants, Pageants, Entrées, Triomphi (7) Tacca (1) Teatro in Imola (2) Torelli (1) Uncle Vanja (?) (1) Vienna (13) Vincenzo Ré (1) Subject 4 Actors and Scenes (3) Bayreuth and München (9) Francesco and Ferdinando (10) Righini (1) Wagner to Present (19) Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4