Search the Collection 2224_lantern_472_047 2224_lantern_472_048 2224_lantern_472_049 2224_lantern_472_050 2224_lantern_472_051 2224_lantern_472_052 2224_lantern_472_053 2224_lantern_472_054 2224_lantern_472_055 2224_lantern_472_056 2224_lantern_472_057 2224_lantern_472_058 2224_lantern_472_059 2224_lantern_472_060 2224_lantern_472_061 2224_lantern_472_062 2224_lantern_472_063 2224_lantern_472_064 2224_lantern_472_065 2224_lantern_472_066 2224_lantern_472_067 2224_lantern_472_068 2224_lantern_472_069 2224_lantern_472_070 2224_lantern_472_071 Propylaea Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion 2224_lantern_472_079 Akrópoli Athinón Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Erechtheion Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Akrópoli Athinón Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Naós Athinás Níkis Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Parthenónas Akrópoli Athinón Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea Propylaea 2224_lantern_473_078 Agora Agora 2224_lantern_473_081 2224_lantern_473_082 2224_lantern_473_083 2224_lantern_473_084 2224_lantern_473_085 2224_lantern_473_086 2224_lantern_473_087 2224_lantern_473_088 2224_lantern_473_089 2224_lantern_473_090 2224_lantern_473_091 2224_lantern_473_092 2224_lantern_473_093 2224_lantern_473_094 2224_lantern_473_095 2224_lantern_473_096 2224_lantern_473_097 2224_lantern_473_098 Theatre of Dionysus 2224_lantern_473_100 2224_lantern_473_101 2224_lantern_473_102 2224_lantern_473_103 2224_lantern_474_001 2224_lantern_474_002 2224_lantern_474_003 2224_lantern_474_004 2224_lantern_474_005 2224_lantern_474_006 2224_lantern_474_007 2224_lantern_474_008 Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion Hephaisteion 2224_lantern_474_027 2224_lantern_474_028 2224_lantern_474_029 2224_lantern_474_030 Search the Collection Media Type Lantern Slide (1281) Work Agora (11) Akrópoli Athinón (234) British Museum (1) Cattedrale metropolitana della Natività di Maria Santissima (1) Erechtheion (31) Hephaisteion (18) Mount Lykabettos (4) Naós Athinás Níkis (16) Paestum (4) Parthenónas (42) Propylaea (32) Temple of Hera I (2) Temple of Hera II (3) Theatre of Dionysus (1) Work Type amphitheater (1) archaeological site (268) church (1) gate (32) locale (11) mountain (4) market (11) monumental architecture (32) museum/gallery (1) temple (256) Location Athens (266) London (1) Paestum (4) Syracuse (1) Creator Foster + Partners (1) Iktinos (42) Kallikrates (42) Phidias (42) Smirke, Robert, the younger (1) Smirke, Sydney (1) Subject Archaeology (1281) Subject 2 Architecture (346) Ceramics (9) Chronology (58) Documents (190) Excavation (5) Exploration (3) Forgeries (10) General (18) Investigators (106) Jewelry and Metalwork (1) Materials and Tools (7) Methodology (244) Methods of Inscribing (7) Museums and Collections (46) Sculpture (140) Topography (91) Subject 3 Aegean (1) Assyria-Babylonia (19) Chronology (26) Cone (2) Crete (11) Destruction (16) Egypt (9) Egyptian (65) Excavation (83) Exploration (10) Forgeries (33) General (2) Greek (833) Greek, Roman (1) Hittite (10) Hyperbola (1) Materials and Tools (26) Metrology and Mysticism (28) Modern (11) Parabola (2) Pentagon in Circle (1) Preclassical (21) Prehistoric (20) Preservation (4) Reconstruction (18) Roman (9) Square in Circle (1) Subject 4 Acropolis (49) Aegean (19) Aegina (10) Africa (4) Anonymus Argentinensis (1) Archaic (21) Asia Minor (51) Athens (216) Attica (10) Corinth (2) Delphi (3) Egyptian (14) Ephesus-Miletus (20) Fourth Century (2) Graeco-Roman (4) Greek (183) Island (8) Islands (21) Italy (2) Mainland (Outside Attica) (109) Medieval (7) Mesopotamian (7) Olympia (10) Orientalizing (1) Other Near Eastern (8) Palestinian (10) Pausanias-Tegea (9) Periclean (38) Periclean Attic (74) Prehistoric (1) Roman (15) Sicily (31) Transitional (2) XIX Century (36) XV Century (5) XVI Century (6) XVII Century (31) XVIII Century (47) XX Century (5) Subject 5 Acragas (8) Acropolis (166) Amyglae to Corinth (22) Cnidus to Ephesus (20) Corinth (15) Delphi (18) Delphi-Syracuse (9) Halicarnassus (11) Magnesia to Xanthus (13) Naxos to Samos (21) Nicias to Olympieum (8) Nike Parapet (68) Non-Attic (38) Olympia (40) Outside Acropolis (26) Selinus to Taormina (13) Sparta to Thermon (3) Theseum (18) Subject 6 Agora (3) Ares Temple (18) Dionysius Theater (1) Enneacrunus (1) Erechthium (34) Hekatompedon (9) Lysikrates Monument (3) Nike (16) Parthenon (20) Peisistratid Temple (1) Propylaea (31) South of Parthenon (15) West of Propylaea and Elsewhere (19) Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page ›› Last page Last »