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Lantern Slide (1468) Work Acropoli di Selinunte (1) Agora (13) Akrópoli Athinón (303) Erechtheion (2) Hephaisteion (46) Mount Lykabettos (1) Naós Athinás Níkis (23) Paestum (28) Parthenónas (106) Temple of Hera I (7) Temple of Hera II (17) Theatre of Dionysus (110) Work Type amphitheater (110) archaeological site (390) locale (13) mountain (1) market (13) temple (371) Location Athens (362) Paestum (28) Selinunte (1) Creator Iktinos (106) Kallikrates (106) Phidias (106) Subject Architecture (1468) Subject 2 Ancient Greek (1468) Subject 3 Acragas (28) Acropolis (3) Aegina (22) Aegosthena (1) Alexandria (7) Amphipolis (1) Amyclae (9) Argive Heraeum (12) Assos (14) Athens (636) Bassae (55) Chaeronea (4) Ciro (1) Cnidus (2) Corfu (7) Corinth (34) Cos (1) Crimisa (2) Croton (1) Cumae (2) Cyprus (1) Delos (22) Delphi (109) Eleusis (2) Ephesos (11) Epidaurus (31) Eretria (15) Halicarnassus (12) Himera (4) Lagina (2) Larisa-on-the-Hermos (1) Lesbos (1) Lindos, Rhodes (3) Locri (3) Longa (Messenia) (1) Lycosura (1) Magnesia (13) Mantinea (1) Megalopolis (5) Megara (1) Messene (13) Metapontum (4) Miletus (18) Myus (1) Naxos (2) Neandria (1) Nemea (3) New Pleuron (2) Oeniadae (7) Olbia (2) Olympia (78) Olynthos (6) Orchomenus (3) Oropos (8) Paestum (29) Parthenon (2) Pergamon (38) Phigalia (2) Phyle (6) Piraeus (Athens) (10) Pompeii (1) Priene (43) Prinias (1) Rhamnus (13) Samos (6) Samothrace (1) Sardis (6) Segesta (14) Selinus (32) Sicyon (5) Smintheum (1) Sparta (6) Sunium (22) Subject 4 Acropolis (61) Aesclepium (7) Agora (16) Altar of Athena (2) Athenian Treasury (14) Basilica (8) Details (15) Ecclesiaterion (1) Erechtheum (118) Fountains (24) Great Altar (13) Gymnasium and Stadium (4) Hekatompedon (23) Heraeum (33) Houses (7) Housing Quarters Plans (12) Lenaion (3) Lenaion Theatre (2) Library (2) Megarian Treasury (4) Monument of Lysicrates (5) Monument of Thrasyllus (3) Nicias Monument (5) Nike Temple (23) Odeum (1) Older Parthenon (14) Old Propylon (6) Olympieum (18) Other Monuments (29) Parthenon (108) Peisistratid Temple (18) Philippeum (3) Plan (5) Plans and Models (12) Plans and Views (8) Pnyx (12) Precinct of Athena (5) Restoration Drawings (7) Sanctuary of Demeter (2) Sepulchral Monument (16) Stadium (2) Stoa (3) Stoa of Attalus (5) Stoa of Eumenes (4) Syphnian Treasury (11) Tempietto (3) Temple C (24) Temple ER (1) Temple FS (1) Temple GT (1) Temple of Aphrodite (2) Temple of Apollo (35) Temple of Artemis (8) Temple of Athena (7) Temple of Ceres (3) Temple of Dionysos (7) Temple of Poseidon (26) Temple of Zeus (21) Temple on the Ilissus (5) Theatre (57) Theatre of Dionysos (110) Theatres (10) Theseum (46) Tholos (51) Treasury IV (1) Views (11) Subject 5 Beule Gate (4) Cella (14) Details (37) Elevation (6) Elevations and Sections (7) Foundation and Curvature (9) Interior (17) Machinery (8) North Porch (44) Parthenon, Nashville (6) Peristyle (9) Plan (4) Plans (71) Restorations (6) Sections (3) Sixth Century (13) Skene Reconstructions (36) South Porch (31) Views (74) Walls (7) West End (12) Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page ›› Last page Last »