Search the Collection Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus Theatre of Dionysus 2224_lantern_522_042 2224_lantern_522_043 2224_lantern_522_044 2224_lantern_522_045 2224_lantern_522_046 2224_lantern_522_047 2224_lantern_522_048 2224_lantern_522_049 2224_lantern_522_050 2224_lantern_522_051 2224_lantern_522_052 2224_lantern_522_053 2224_lantern_522_054 2224_lantern_522_055 2224_lantern_522_056 2224_lantern_522_057 2224_lantern_522_058 2224_lantern_522_059 2224_lantern_522_060 2224_lantern_522_061 Search the Collection Media Type Lantern Slide (636) Work Agora (13) Akrópoli Athinón (297) Erechtheion (2) Hephaisteion (46) Mount Lykabettos (1) Naós Athinás Níkis (23) Parthenónas (103) Theatre of Dionysus (110) Work Type amphitheater (110) archaeological site (356) locale (13) mountain (1) market (13) temple (343) Location Athens (356) Creator Iktinos (103) Kallikrates (103) Phidias (103) Subject Architecture (636) Subject 2 Ancient Greek (636) Subject 3 Athens (636) Subject 4 Acropolis (58) Aesclepium (7) Agora (13) Erechtheum (118) Hekatompedon (23) Lenaion (3) Lenaion Theatre (2) Monument of Lysicrates (5) Monument of Thrasyllus (3) Nicias Monument (5) Nike Temple (23) Odeum (1) Older Parthenon (14) Old Propylon (6) Olympieum (18) Parthenon (108) Peisistratid Temple (18) Pnyx (12) Sepulchral Monument (16) Stadium (2) Stoa of Attalus (5) Stoa of Eumenes (4) Temple of Dionysos (7) Temple on the Ilissus (5) Theatre of Dionysos (110) Theseum (46) Tholos (4) Subject 5 Beule Gate (4) Cella (14) Details (37) Elevation (6) Elevations and Sections (7) Foundation and Curvature (9) Interior (13) Machinery (8) North Porch (44) Parthenon, Nashville (6) Peristyle (9) Plan (4) Plans (71) Restorations (6) Sections (3) Skene Reconstructions (36) South Porch (31) Views (74) Walls (7) West End (12) Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4