Exterior brickwork and vent
Exterior brickwork
Exterior: West front
Exterior: West front window
Exterior window
Exterior detail of eaves
Interior: Living room fireplace inglenook
Interior: Living room fireplace inglenook detail, showing window…
Interior: Living room fireplace inglenook detail
Interior: Living room fireplace inglenook view
Interior: Entryway ceiling
Interior: Living room
Interior: Living room table
Interior: Living room floor grate
Interior: Living room
Interior: Living room window
Interior: View from private study, through inglenook, into…
Interior: Display cabinet
Interior: Passage from private study to draughting room, showing…
Interior: Dining room table, detail of leg
Interior: Dining room table
Interior: Dining room ceiling
Interior: Dining room floor
Interior: Dining room window
Interior: Dining room window
Interior: Dining room fireplace
Interior: Dining room fireplace detail
Interior: View from dining room, through inglenook, into private…
Interior: Entryway frieze
Interior: Entryway frieze
Interior: Entryway sculpture and steps
Interior: Master bedroom wall stencil
Interior: Master bedroom chair
Interior: Master bedroom door, with view of balcony and studio…
Interior: Master bedroom, bedside table
Interior: Master bedroom, headboard
Interior: Master bedroom, door to bathroom
Interior: Master bedroom, with view of vaulted ceiling and mural…
Interior: Children's bedroom
Interior: Children's bedroom, detail of light fixture
Interior: Children's bedroom
Interior: Children's bedroom, with view of vaulting ceiling
Interior: Children's bedroom
Interior: Children's bedroom
Interior: Nursery
Interior: Nursery ceiling
Interior: Nursery window
Interior: Nursery wall stencil
Interior: Corridor to playroom
Interior: Playroom windows
Interior: Playroom light fixture
Interior: Playroom chairs
Interior: Playroom skylight
Interior: Playroom, southwest corner
Interior: Playroom, southwest corner
Interior: Playroom, shelf with children's blocks
Interior: Playroom balcony
Interior: Playroom view
Interior: Two views of grand piano, showing front end in…
Interior: Pantry
Interior: Kitchen
Interior: Sculptural detail on mantle
Interior: Draughting room
Interior: Table on draughting room
Interior: Draughting room
Interior: Draughting room fireplace
Interior: Relief over draughting room fireplace
Interior: Draughting room
Interior: Draughting room
Interior: Detail of chain harness supporting studio balcony
Interior: Studio balcony
Interior: Office
Interior: Office fireplace
Interior: Office
Interior: Office skylight
Interior: Reception
Interior: Reception
Interior: Reception
Interior: Reception, view of stork reliefs outside through window
Interior: Reception, view of stork reliefs outside through window
Interior: Reception, view of stork reliefs outside through window
Interior: Passage from reception to library
Interior: Library
Interior: Library ceiling
Interior: Library fireplace
Interior: Library light fixture
Interior: Library detail
Interior: Library detail
Exterior: View of playroom bay windows
Exterior: Steps to front door
Exterior: Front walkway
View from below of one of two identical statues, perched upon…
Exterior: loggia of the studio
Exterior: loggia of the studio
Exterior planter
Exterior view from north
Exterior view of West face
Exterior: detail of roof
View of one of two identical statues perched upon piers flanking…
View from below of one of two identical statues perched upon…
View from below of one of two identical statues perched upon…
Interior: Playroom, view of bust near fireplace
Interior: Elevator
Interior: Detail of tilework
Interior: Staircase
Interior: Staircase ceiling
Interior: Staircase
Interior: Foyer
Interior: Foyer
Interior: Staircase Window
Interior: Staircase
Interior: Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Rotunda, partial view…
Interior: Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Rotunda Annex
Interior: Lobby stair
Interior: Lobby stair
Interior: Detail of doorknob in lobby
Interior: Detail of lobby tilework on floor.
Interior: Detail of lobby light fixture
Interior: Detail of lobby mailbox
Exterior: Ground floor window
Exterior: Caryatids
Exterior: Caryatid detail
Exterior: Detail of reliefs, copied from the Parthenon
Exterior: Caryatids
Exterior details
Exterior: Detail showing reliefs copied from the Parthenon
Exterior: North Entrance
Exterior: North Entrance
Exterior: cornice detail
Exterior: cornice detail
Exterior: West entrance
Exterior: West entrance door
Exterior: West entrance porch ceiling
Exterior: View of south facade across Lagoon
Exterior: detail
Exterior: View of dome
Exterior: Detail of south facade
Exterior: Detail of south facade
Exterior: View of south facade across Lagoon
Exterior: South facade
Exterior: View from southwest
Exterior: Cornice detail
Exterior: Ground floor detail
Interior: Foyer ceiling
Exterior: Window sill detail
Exterior: Facade detail
Exterior: North facade
Interior: Fireplace
Interior: Fireplace mantle detail
Exterior: Detail of southwest corner
Exterior: Detail of Quincy Street relief on southwest corner
Exterior: Window detail
Exterior: Detail of LaSalle Street relief on southwest corner
Interior: Lobby atrium
Interior: Lobby stair detail
Interior: Lobby stair detail
Interior: Lobby atrium
Interior: Lobby atrium
Interior: Lobby atrium
Interior: Lobby atrium
Interior: Lobby atrium column, showing Burnham and Root's…
Interior: Lobby atrium column, showing Burnham and Root's…
Interior: Lobby atrium column, showing Burnham and Root's…