Search the Collection Choir Stalls with Scenes from the Life of St. Benedict Choir Stalls with Scenes from the Life of St. Benedict Search the Collection Media Type Photographic Print (2) Work Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore (2) Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore (2) Choir Stalls with Scenes from the Life of St. Benedict (2) Work Type architectural woodwork (2) choir stalls (2) church (2) monastery (2) sculptural relief (2) sculpture in the round (2) Location Venice (2) Creator Gatti, Gaspare (2) Brulle, Albert van den (2) Longhena, Baldassare (2) Palladio, Andrea (2) Sorella, Simone (2) Subject Architecture (2) Subject 2 Italy (2) Subject 3 Venice (2) Subject 4 San Giorgio Maggiore (2) Subject 5 Interior (2)