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Exterior: north elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: north elevation
Exterior: north elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Extioer: southeast elevation
Exterior: northeast elevation
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: north base
Exterior: south wall
Exterior: east elevation
Exteior: south elevation
West elevation
East elevation
West elevation, north ratha
West elevation, south ratha
North elevation, south ratha
South elevation, south ratha
North elevation, north ratha
South elevation, north ratha
East elevation, north ratha
East elevation, south ratha
South elevation
East elevation
West elevation
North elevation
East elevation
North elevation
South elevation
Exterior: elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Detail: south view
Detail: southwest view
South view
Southeast view
Exterior: west elevation
Exterior: southwest elevation
Exterior: south wall, west side
Exterior: south wall, east side
Exterior: south wall
Exterior: south wall
Exterior: south wall
Exterior: southwest elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Interior: west side
Interior: west side
Exterior: southwest elevation
Exterior: southwest elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Southwest view
Exterior: southwest elevation
South view
Interior: east shrine wall
West view
Exterior: west elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Exterior: northwest elevation
Exterior: west elevation
East elevation
Exterior: east elevation
detail: right of cleft
detail: left of cleft
detail: right of cleft
detail: left of cleft
detail: right of cleft
detail: right of cleft
detail: left of cleft
detail: far right side
Northeast view
North view
Northeast view
Exterior: north niche figure
Exterior: east niche figre
Exterior: south niche figure
East view
North view
Exterior: east wall
Exterior: south wall
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: detail, north wall
Exterior: north wall
Exterior: detail, north wall
Exterior: northeast view
East view
Exterior: east wall
Exterior: northeast elevation
Exterior: north wall
Interior: east verandah
East view
Exterior: east elevation
East view
Northeast view
Exterior: detail, second level, east side of vimana
Exterior: detail of balustrade, first level, east side of vimana
Exterior: east wall, north side
Exterior: east face
Exterior: south face
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Detail: south side
Detail: south side
Detail:north of cleft
Detail: cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
North side
Detail: south of cleft
Southeast elevation
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: north of cleft, upper section
Detail: north of cleft, middle section
Detail: north of cleft, lower section
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft, upper portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
East elevation
South of cleft
Detail: south of cleft, upper portion
Detail: south of cleft, middle portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
South of cleft, lower portion
South of cleft, upper portion
South of cleft, lower portion
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: lower south side
South elevation
North elevation
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: north of cleft
Interior: ceiling
Interior: east verandah
Exterior: east elevation
Interior: ceiling
Exterior: east elevation
Interior: west wall
Interior: west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail , south wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: detail, west side, kapota
Exterior: detail, west side, kapota
Exterior: west elevation
Interior: north wall
Interior: south wall
Interior: east wall, north side
Interior: east wall, south side
Interior: ceiling
Interior: ceiling
Interior: ceiling
Interior: shrine, east wall