Search the Collection Colonnade Colonnade Fragment of a Gable Grave Pillar of Avitus Grave Pillar of Avitus Negotiator Pillar Negotiator Pillar Negotiator Pillar Negotiator Pillar Oceanus, Tritons, Weapons Oceanus, Tritons, Weapons Oceanus, Tritons, Weapons Transaction Scene Fabric Examination Scene Part of a Funerary Altar and a Togatus Grave Ornament Fragments from the Grave with the School ReliefInstallation View Fragments from the Grave with the School Relief Attis and Neptune, River God, "Scythe Man" Attis and Neptune, River God, "Scythe Man" Animal Sacrifice Relief Block with Wine Ship Relief Block with Wine Ship Punting Scene Punting Scene Relief with Hauling Scene Wine Ship and Amphorae Wine Ship and Amphorae Wine Ship and Amphorae Altar with Dedicatory Inscription for Hekate Pedestal with Juno and Dedicatory Inscription for Jupiter Smaller Tombs, Box and Half-Cylinder Head of Attis Block of a Grave with Vine Scrolls Relief with Carpenter Front Side of a Sarcophagus Lid Half of an Image from a Sarcophagus Lid Inscription for Maura Bear and Boar Bear and Boar Bear and Boar Bear and Boar Bear and Boar Bear and Boar Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple Building Inscription of a Cult Theater Building Inscription of a Cult Theater Building Inscription of a Cult Theater Building Inscription of a Fire Signal Tower Building Inscription of a Fire Signal Tower Foundation Inscription for a Cult Theater and Annual Games Foundation Inscription for a Cult Theater and Annual Games Honorary Inscription Honorary Inscription Honorary Inscription Remainder of a Tomb Remainder of a Tomb Relief with Cloth Sample Relief with Cloth Sample Statue of Sucellus Statue of Sucellus Statue of Sucellus Statue of Vulcan Statue of Vulcan Statue of Vulcan Sarcophagus Sarcophagus Sarcophagus Search the Collection Media Type Image (71) Site Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier (71) Location Trier (Germany) (71) Material/Technique sandstone (71) Work Type architecture (3) sculpture (68) Style/Period Imperial Roman (71) Sites Arch of Dativius Victor Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt Aula Palatina Barbarathermen Cologne Cathedral Cologne Roman Sewer Colonia Ulpia Traiana Drususstein Igel Column Kaiserthermen Köln Altstadt Köln, Groß St. Martin Köln, Rathaus Köln, Römische Stadtmauer Köln, Römisches Prätorium Köln, St. Aposteln Köln, St. Cäcilien Köln, St. Georg Köln, St. Gereon Köln, St. Maria im Kapitol Köln, St. Pantaleon Köln, St. Peter Köln, St. Severin Köln, St. Ursula Mainz Altstadt Museum für Antike Schiffahrt Pompejanum Porta Nigra Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier Saalburg Trier Altstadt Trier Cathedral Trier, Electoral Palace Trier, Liebfrauenkirche Trier, Römerbrücke Trier, St. Maximin Ubier Monument Villa Borg Villa Nennig Map