Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Wall paintings
View from Southeast
Exterior: East Facade
Bust of Philip II, King of Macedonia
Bust of Philip II, King of Macedonia
Bust of Philip II, King of Macedonia
Bust of Philip II, King of Macedonia
Bust of Philip II, King of Macedonia
Busts of Philip II, King of Macedonia, Antoninus Pius, Emperor…
Busts of Thucydides, Demosthenes, Socrates, and Menander
Busts of Celts and Germans
Bust of Thucydides
Bust of Thucydides
Bust of Thucydides
Bust of Thucydides
Bust of Zeus or Hermes
Bust of Hercules
Bust of a Satyr
Busts of Zeus or Hermes, Hercules and a Satyr
Bust of Thucydides
Bust of Demosthenes
Bust of Socrates
Bust of Menander
Bust of Phillipp II
Bust of Antoninus Pius
Bust of Marcus Aurelius
Bust of a Child
Bust of a Celt
Bust of a Celt
Bust of a Celt
Bust of a Celt
Bust of a Teutonic German
Bust of a Teutonic German
Bust of a Teutonic German
Bust of an Easterner
Bust of an African
Bust of an African
Remains of Roman construction above Praetorium complex
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation site, 4th century construction
Excavation site, 4th century construction
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation site, 1st and 2nd century constructions
Excavation site, 1st and 2nd century constructions
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Excavation Site
Porta Praetoria, South facade
Well, Southeast end of site
Roman construction, Southeast end of site
Roman construction
Porta Praetoria, South facade
Taberna, South facade, looking Northeast
Southwest portion of wall, praetorium South facade
Southwest corner of wall
Porta Praetoria, North facade
Praetorium, Southeast corner
Double ditches, South of Porta Praetoria
Double ditches and sites South of the wall
Southwest corner of wall
Double ditches and ruins South of site
Southern wall and double ditches, looking East
Praetorium, looking Northeast
West gate from the interior of the fort
Principia West facade, looking Northeast
Principia West facade, looking East
Principia South facade, looking North
Horreum Northwest corner
Porta Praetoria, horreum, praetoria, looking South
Principia, Northwest corner
Principia, Northeast corner
Principia, North side of courtyard
Principia peristyle
Walls East of Porta Praetoria
Porta Praetoria, North facade
Wall exterior West of Porta Praetoria with double ditch
Roman constructions South of walls
Roman constructions South of walls
Roman constructions South of walls
Mithraeum well
Mithraeum entrance, South facade
Mithraeum well and South facade
Altar for the nymphs
Kitchen, Southwest wing
Villa, Northeast wing
Amphitheater, Southwest facade
Baths excavation
Baths excavation, Frigidarium
Baths excavation
Baths excavation
Baths excavation, tepidarium
Baths excavation, Caldarium
Baths excavation view
Baths excavation view
Baths excavation view
Baths excavation view
Baths excavation view
Baths excavation view
Visible footprints from original construction of bath complex
Baths excavation, floor
Baths excavation, corridor
Model of baths
Matronae temple, Southwest view
Matronae temple, Southwest view