Search the Collection Twin-domes of the Hakims (physicians)Exterior western facade Twin-domes of the Hakims (physicians)Interior mid-point between twin-domes Twin-domes of the Hakims (physicians)Interior Twin-domes of the Hakims (physicians)Interior Search the Collection Media Type Panorama (4) Site Twin-domes of the Hakims (physicians) (4) Creator Abdullah Qutb Shah (4) Location Hyderabad (India) (4) Work Type architecture (4) Sites Royal Mortuary Baths Tomb of commander Neknam Khan Tomb of Fatima Sultana Tomb of Hyath Bakshi Begum Tomb of Ibrahim Qutb Shah Tomb of Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah Tomb of Mohammed Qutb Shah Tomb of Pemmati Tomb of Taramati Twin-domes of the Hakims (physicians) Map