Search the Collection 2023_photocoll_0061_0062 2023_photocoll_0061_0063 2023_photocoll_0061_0064 2023_photocoll_0061_0065 2023_photocoll_0061_0066 2023_photocoll_0061_0067 2023_photocoll_0061_0068 2023_photocoll_0061_0069 2023_photocoll_0061_0070 2023_photocoll_0061_0071 2023_photocoll_0061_0072 2023_photocoll_0061_0073 2023_photocoll_0061_0074 2023_photocoll_0061_0075 2023_photocoll_0061_0076 2023_photocoll_0061_0077 2023_photocoll_0061_0078 2023_photocoll_0061_0079 2023_photocoll_0061_0080 2023_photocoll_0061_0081 2023_photocoll_0061_0082 2023_photocoll_0061_0083 2023_photocoll_0061_0084 2023_photocoll_0061_0085 2023_photocoll_0061_0086 2023_photocoll_0061_0087 2023_photocoll_0061_0088 2023_photocoll_0061_0089 2023_photocoll_0061_0090 2023_photocoll_0061_0091 2023_photocoll_0061_0092 2023_photocoll_0061_0093 2023_photocoll_0061_0094 2023_photocoll_0061_0095 2023_photocoll_0061_0096 2023_photocoll_0061_0097 2023_photocoll_0061_0098 2023_photocoll_0061_0099 2023_photocoll_0061_0100 2023_photocoll_0061_0101 2023_photocoll_0061_0102 2023_photocoll_0061_0103 2023_photocoll_0061_0104 2023_photocoll_0061_0105 2023_photocoll_0061_0106 2023_photocoll_0061_0107 2023_photocoll_0061_0108 2023_photocoll_0061_0109 2023_photocoll_0061_0110 2023_photocoll_0061_0111 2023_photocoll_0061_0112 2023_photocoll_0061_0113 2023_photocoll_0061_0114 2023_photocoll_0061_0115 2023_photocoll_0061_0116 2023_photocoll_0061_0117 2023_photocoll_0061_0118 2023_photocoll_0061_0119 2023_photocoll_0061_0120 2023_photocoll_0061_0121 2023_photocoll_0061_0122 2023_photocoll_0061_0123 2023_photocoll_0061_0124 2023_photocoll_0061_0125 2023_photocoll_0061_0126 2023_photocoll_0061_0127 2023_photocoll_0061_0128 2023_photocoll_0061_0129 Reliquary of Notre Dame 2023_photocoll_0061_0131 2023_photocoll_0061_0132 2023_photocoll_0061_0133 2023_photocoll_0061_0134 2023_photocoll_0061_0135 2023_photocoll_0061_0136 2023_photocoll_0061_0137 2023_photocoll_0061_0138 2023_photocoll_0061_0139 2023_photocoll_0061_0140 2023_photocoll_0061_0141 2023_photocoll_0061_0142 2023_photocoll_0061_0143 2023_photocoll_0061_0144 2023_photocoll_0061_0145 2023_photocoll_0061_0146 2023_photocoll_0061_0147 2023_photocoll_0061_0148 2023_photocoll_0061_0149 2023_photocoll_0061_0150 2023_photocoll_0061_0151 2023_photocoll_0061_0152 2023_photocoll_0061_0153 2023_photocoll_0061_0154 2023_photocoll_0061_0155 2023_photocoll_0061_0156 2023_photocoll_0061_0157 2023_photocoll_0061_0158 2023_photocoll_0061_0159 2023_photocoll_0061_0160 2023_photocoll_0061_0161 2023_photocoll_0061_0162 2023_photocoll_0061_0163 2023_photocoll_0061_0164 2023_photocoll_0061_0165 2023_photocoll_0061_0166 2023_photocoll_0061_0167 2023_photocoll_0061_0168 2023_photocoll_0061_0169 2023_photocoll_0061_0170 2023_photocoll_0061_0171 2023_photocoll_0061_0172 2023_photocoll_0061_0173 2023_photocoll_0061_0174 2023_photocoll_0061_0175 2023_photocoll_0061_0176 2023_photocoll_0061_0177 2023_photocoll_0061_0178 2023_photocoll_0061_0179 2023_photocoll_0061_0180 2023_photocoll_0061_0181 Bronze Door Knocker of a Maiden With Two Dragons Circular Gold Brooch Cross S Brooch Guard Brooch Guard Brooch Guard Brooch S Brooch S-Brooch Gold-Plate Cross Cross of Gold Leaf Cross of Gold Leaf Round Brooch Altar Frontal Altar Frontal Champleve Enamel Reliquary Enamel Disk Disc Luke Madonna Luke Madonna Luke Madonna Luke Madonna Luke Madonna Luke Madonna Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Bowl Silver Bowl Silver Bowl Silver Sauce Boat Silver Sauceboat or Lamp Spoon Silver Bowl Silver Bowl Silver Bowl Silver Lamp and Stand Silver Ewer Silver Spoon Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Mirror (?) With Handle on Back Silver Mirror (?) With Handle on Back Silver Mirror (?) With Handle on Back Silver Mirror (?) With Handle on Back Silver Spoon Silver Ewer (Oenochoe) Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Vase With Gilding Silver Chalice (3) Silver Chalice (3) Silver Chalice (3) Silver Chalice (3) Silver Chalice (2) Silver Chalice (2) Silver Chalice (2) Silver Chalice (2) Silver Chalice (2) Search the Collection Media Type Photographic Print (1666) Photo Collection Box 0059 (183) 0060 (140) 0061 (181) 0062 (136) 0065 (180) 0066 (189) 0067 (103) 0068 (142) 0069 (132) 0070 (123) 0071 (157) Subject Metalwork and Enamel (1666) Subject 2 Aachen (72) Altötting (Germany) (1) Ambazac (1) Amsterdam (1) Anagni (2) Angers (1) Apt (France) (3) Art Market (103) Athens (59) Augst (20) Avenches (1) Baltimore (17) Barcelona (2) Basel (5) Bellac (2) Berlin (66) Beromuenster (24) Bischofshofen (11) Bologna (5) Bonn (12) Boston (4) Brescia (3) Brussels (62) Budapest (5) Cesena (10) Chartreuse de Champmol (1) Chicago (1) Chur (2) Cirencester Park (1) Cividale (14) Cleveland (75) Cologne (46) Limousin (1) Lindholm (2) Location Unknown (1) London (171) Lucca (3) Lucera (2) Maaseyck (4) Manchester (2) Mannheim (1) Mayence (4) Miami Beach (1) Milan (12) Monza (11) Moscow (11) Moutiers (4) Munich (35) Muotathal (7) Namur (5) Naples (25) New York (67) Nikosia (5) Nitra (4) Nivelles (15) Nonantola (1) Nord (1) Novgorod (1) Nuremberg (16) Oja, Sweden (1) Oldenburg (1) Olympia (4) Oviedo (7) Oxford (2) Padua (2) Palma (1) Paris (177) Provenance unknown (8) Providence, RI (2) Reims (4) Resoto (1) Rhenen (1) Rome (44) Rouen (1) Saragossa (1) Seattle (5) Siena (38) Sitten (11) Sleswig (4) St. Benoit-Sur-Loire (6) St. Bonnet Avalouze (10) St. Germain-en-Layel (2) St. Ghislain (4) St. Louis (1) St. Maurice d'Agaune (17) St. Symphorien (2) Stavelot (4) Stockholm (7) Stuttgart (18) Syria (1) Taranto (1) Tbilisi (2) Tehran (1) Thessaloniki (10) Toledo (10) Tongres (4) Tournai (35) Treves (1) Trier (5) Turin (2) Utrecht (7) Venice (65) Verona (1) Vienna (32) Vise (4) Washington D.C. (39) Werden of the Ruhr (1) Winterthur (8) Yateley, Hampshire (2) Zürich (5) Subject 3 Abbazia Treasure (1) Abbeychurch (1) Archaeological Museum (10) Ashmolean Museum (2) Baltimore Museum (1) Benaki Museum (1) Biblioteca Malatestiana (10) Biblioth�que de l'Arsenal (1) Biblioth�que Nationale (9) British Museum (164) Cabinet des Médailles (3) Castello Sforzesco (2) Cathedral (155) Cathedral Museum (2) Cathedral of St. Anne (3) Cathedral Treasury (4) Church of Liessies (1) Church of St. Hadelin (4) Church of St. Martin (4) Church of St. Sebastian (4) Cleveland Museum (66) Cloisters (16) Cluny Museum (21) Collegiate Church (15) Dumbarton Oaks (39) French and Company (1) Italian (1) John Rylands Library (2) Karl der Grosse cat. no. 228 (1) Kunstgewerbemuseum (11) Kunsthistorisches Museum (26) Kypros Museum (2) Louvre (139) Metropolitan Museum of Art (39) Mus. des Antiquites (1) Musee de S. Jean (1) Musée National Suisse (4) Museo Civico (2) Museo Civico Correr (1) Museo del'Alto Medievo (24) Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia (3) Museum of Fine Arts (6) National Gallery of Arms & Armor (11) National Museum (58) Norbert Schimmel (3) Notre Dame (2) Octagonal plate (9) Opera del Duomo (38) Palazzo Pisani (1) Pierpont Morgan Library (7) Private Collection (1) Royal Museum of Art & History (59) S. Giovanni Laterano (2) S. Nazaro Maggiore (7) San Frediano (1) St. Mark's (45) St. Peter's Treasury (7) Staatliche Museum (55) tankard' of Karl der Grosse (10) Treasury of Notre Dame (3) Vatican (2) Villa Giulia (3) Walters Art Gallery (16) Warnebertus Reliquary (24) Subject 4 Agamemnon Mask (3) Arm Reliquary of Charlemagne (14) Barbarossa Candelabra (31) Boscoreale Treasure (108) Buckles, Fittings, etc. (24) Charlemagne's Bust Reliquary (7) Charlemagne's Chapel Reliquary (14) Chasse de Notre-Dame (22) Chasse de St. Eleuthere (13) Collection Hélène Stathatos (1) Crosses (8) Cyprus Treasure (6) Electrum Mask (1) Enamels (11) Esquiline Treasure (48) Gold Vaphio Cup (I) (2) Gold Vaphio Cup (II) (10) Hildesheim Treasure (41) Maastricht Book Box (7) Mildenhall Treasure (72) Mycenaean Daggers (8) Nestor's Cup (1) Ornaments (21) Pala d'Oro (50) Reliquaries (25) Rhytons (3) Shrine of 3 Kings (46) Undated (8) XIII Century (8) XIV Century (4) XV Century (8) XVI Century (8) XX Century (2) Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page ›› Last page Last »