Pine Cliffs and Temples

Pine Cliffs and Temples


Sung-yen hsiao-ssu ARTIST Chv-Jan (act. c.960-980); PERIOD Five Dynasties 906-960; F3-4; MATTER; MATERIAL Ink and light color on silk; INSCRIPTION; FORMAT Handscroll (8 sections); Pict. - 21 1/16 in. x 185 9/16 in, Pict: -(53.5 cm. x 471.3 cm.); SEALS No; COLOPHON Yes (see next card); G SHU HUA LU # WH3, 185(27), ARCHIVE # (two cards) 2634-2653

Image Source

Columbia University Department of Art History and Archaeology Photograph Collection, digitized with support from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation

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