Troyes Cathedral
Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul de Troyes
- Interior: ambulatory
- Interior: chevet
- Interior: crossing
- Interior: south nave aisle
- Interior: ambulatory
- Interior: chevet
- Interior: crossing
- Interior: nave
- Panorama Tour
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece, north tower, north side
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece tower from a distance
- Exterior, western frontispiece, north tower from a distance
- Exterior, western frontispiece, north tower from north
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece tower from a distance
- Exterior, south nave elevation
- Exterior, south nave elevation
- Exterior, south nave and transept elevation
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, north transept and nave elevation
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, south transept elevation
- Exterior, south nave
- Exterior, south nave and transept
- Exterior, south nave and transept
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, south transept elevation
- Exterior, north transept portal
- Exterior, north transept elevation
- Exterior, north transept, rose window and portal
- Exterior, north transept, eastern side
- Exterior, south transept
- Exterior, north transept elevation
- Exterior, chevet, south elevation
- Exterior, north chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, south-east chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation and axial chapel
- Exterior, chevet, south-east elevation
- Exterior, chevet, south-east elevation
- Exterior, chevet: radiating chapels
- Exterior, north chevet elevation
- Exterior, north chevet elevation
- Interior, north nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, narthex, north tower-supporting pier, c.1455, looking west
- Interior, north nave aisles looking northeast
- Interior, south nave aisle looking northeast
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, north nave elevation looking west
- Interior, north nave elevation looking west from crossing
- Interior, south nave elevation from north chevet aisle
- Interior, north nave elevation and crossing looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, nave looking east
- Interior, north nave high capital c. 1485
- Interior, north nave triforium
- Interior, north nave triforium
- Interior, north nave aisle pier base
- Interior, narthex, north tower-supporting pier base c. 1455
- Interior, narthex, north tower-supporting pier, capital, c.1455,
- Interior, north nave pier base
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier base
- Interior, south nave aisle pier base
- Interior, south nave aisle pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave aisle pier capital
- Interior, south nave aisle pier base
- Interior, narthex, south tower-supporting pier c. 1468
- Interior, narthex, south tower-supporting pier base c. 1468
- Interior, south nave pier base
- Interior, south nave pier capital c.1450
- Interior narthex, south tower-supporting pier base c.1530
- Interior, narthex vaults on south side
- Interior, narthex and organ tribune looking north
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, south nave aisle looking north
- Interior, south nave aisles looking west to narthex
- Interior, south nave elevation looking west
- Interior, south nave elevation
- Interior, north nave aisle looking east
- Interior, south nave elevation
- Interior, narthex, vaults on south side
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, north transept elevation from crossing
- Interior, north nave and transept looking east
- Interior, south transept base
- Interior, northeast crossing pier base
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, north transept triforium
- Interior, north transept triforium
- Interior, south transept, triforium and arcade
- Interior, south transept dado
- Interior, north transept elevation
- Interior, south chevet elevation from north transept
- Interior, south transept rose window
- Interior, south transept elevation from crossing
- Interior, north transept elevation
- Interior, chevet, north outer aisle, outer and chapel
- Interior, chevet, north aisle looking west
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel
- Interior, chevet, south ambulatory looking northeast
- Interior, chevet, south choir aisles looking west
- Interior, south ambulatory looking east
- Interior, north chevet hemicycle elevation
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory looking northeast
- Interior, northeast chevet hemicycle elevation
- Interior, chevet, south aisle looking southeast
- Interior, chevet, south aisles looking southwest
- Interior, chevet, south aisles looking northeast
- Interior, north chevet elevation
- Interior, north chevet elevation from crossing
- Interior, north chevet elevation from crossing
- Interior, north transept and chevet elevation
- Interior, sculpture in south choir
- Interior, chevet, capital in radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet, outer ambulatory base
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory pier capital
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory pier capital
- Interior, chevet, radiating chapel, dado
- Interior, chevet triforium
- Interior, chevet, outer south aisle vault boss
- Interior, chevet, south side pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south aisle pier base
- Interior, chevet, south aisle pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south aisle dado
- Interior, chevet, south aisle window articulation
- Interior, chevet triforium
- Interior, chevet, aisle looking west
- Interior, north chevet elevation from ambulatory
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel
- Interior, chevet and nave from ambulatory looking west
- Interior, chevet, northeast ambulatory, axial chapel from north
- Interior, east chevet elevation from north ambulatory
- Interior, chevet, north ambulatory looking south
- Interior, chevet, north ambulatory looking south
- Interior, chevet looking east
- Interior, chevet looking east