Bourges Cathedral
Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges
- Exterior, general view from southeast (archbishop's garden)
- Exterior, general view from southeast (archbishop's garden)
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, nave from southeast
- Exterior, nave and chevet from southeast
- Exterior: north transept portal, porch
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, restoration
- Exterior: center portal, western frontispiece, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, north side, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, trumeau, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, north jamb, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb figures, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, lintel and tympanum, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, archivolt, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, archivolt, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, tympanum, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, archivolt, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, archivolt, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, archivolt, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, upper archivolt, restoration
- Exterior: western frontispiece, center portal, upper archivolt, restoration
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, passage
- Interior: south chevet aisle, radiating chapel
- Interior: chevet, outer ambulatory, axial chapel
- Interior: chevet, north outer ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Interior: chevet, north outer ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Interior: chevet, south outer ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Interior: chevet, south outer ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Exterior: Tympanum of Central Portal on West Facade
- Interior: axial, inner triforium level passage
- Interior: axial, outer triforium level passage
- Exterior: chevet and Bishop's Palace
- Interior: buttress tower chamber
- Interior: buttress tower, intermediate space
- Interior: chevet
- Interior: chevet
- Interior: stair at roof level
- Interior: crypt hemicycle
- Exterior: east end park
- Exterior: escalier Saint-Guillaume, top level
- Exterior: escalier Saint-Guillaume, mid level
- Exterior: inner chevet aisle cornice, N9-N10
- Exterior: outer chevet aisle cornice, N1-N2
- Interior: outer chevet aisle cornice, N1-S1
- Interior: outer chevet aisle cornice, N2-N3
- Interior: outer chevet aisle cornice, N3-N4
- Interior: outer chevet aisle cornice, S1-S2
- Interior: outer chevet aisle cornice, S2-S3
- Interior: outer chevet aisle cornice, S4
- Interior: outer triforium level, N8
- Interior: outer triforium level, S8
- Exterior: south nave, south tower
- Exterior: south porch roof
- Exterior: clerestory level, N2-N3
- Exterior: clerestory level, N3-N4
- Exterior: clerestory level, N6-N7
- Exterior: crypt, west of N2
- Interior: roof, main combles
- Interior: nave
- Interior: nave
- Interior: nave
- Interior: west nave
- Interior: north crypt
- Interior: north roof, inner combles
- Interior: north nave, triforium level, passage
- Interior: north choir, inner triforium level
- Interior: north nave aisle
- Interior: north nave aisle
- Interior: north outer combles
- Interior: north triforium passage
- Interior: north nave, triforium level, passage
- Exterior: north portal
- Exterior: north portal, scaffolding
- Interior: organ loft
- Interior: pre-Romanesque crypt
- Interior: Salles des Brodeuses
- Interior: south ambulatory
- Interior: south ambulatory chapel
- Interior: south ambulatory chapel
- Interior: inner south ambulatory
- Interior: outer south ambulatory
- Interior: south triforium level, outer passage
- Exterior: south portal
- Interior: upper chappel between N5-N6
- Exterior: western frontispiece, far right portal, level 1
- Exterior: western frontispiece, far right portal, level 2
- Interior: north western frontispiece tower
- Exterior: western frontispiece, portal, level 2
- Exterior: western frontispiece, right portal, level 1
- Exterior: western frontispiece, right portal, level 2
- Interior: western frontispiece, south tower
- Interior: western frontispiece, south tower