Hadrian's Villa
Villa Adriana
- Large Baths; Vestibule
- Large Baths
- Canopus, Antiquarium
- Canopus
- Serapeum
- Canopus
- Belvedere
- Belvedere
- Belvedere, Canopus
- Canopus, Serapeum
- Canopus, Antiquarium
- Praetorium
- Large Baths
- Large Baths
- Large Baths
- Small Baths
- Stadium Garden, nymphaeum
- walkway to Vestibule
- Cento Camarelle, approaching Vestibule
- Cento Camarelle
- Cento Camarelle
- Cento Camarelle
- Cento Camarelle
- Cento Camarelle, approaching Vestibule
- Cento Camarelle, approaching Vestibule
- Cryptoporticus under the Cento Camarelle
- Cryptoporticus under the Cento Camarelle
- Palace Nymphaeum
- Palace Nymphaeum
- Hall of the Doric Pilasters
- Hall of the Doric Pilasters
- Hall of the Doric Pilasters
- approaching the Guard Barracks
- Guard Barracks
- Guard Barracks
- approaching Heliocaminus Baths
- Heliocaminus Baths
- Heliocaminus Baths
- Heliocaminus Baths, colonnaded peristyle
- Heliocaminus Baths, colonnaded peristyle
- Heliocaminus Baths, caldarium
- Library Court
- Library Court
- Library Court
- Palace Nymphaeum
- Palace
- Palace
- approaching Palace Nymphaeum
- Room with Three Exedras
- Palace
- walkway to Tempe Pavillion
- Tempe Pavillion
- Imperial Triclinium
- staircase leading to Hospitalia
- Hospitalia
- Hospitalia
- Library Court
- Library Court, approaching Republican Criptoportico
- Library Court
- Library Court
- Lararium
- Lararium
- Lararium
- Lararium
- Vestibule
- Vestibule
- Cento Camarelle
- Antinoeion
- Lararium
- Latin Library
- Latin Library
- Latin Library
- Latin Library
- approaching Greek Library
- Greek Library
- Greek Library
- Greek Library
- Greek Library
- Hall of the Philosphers
- approaching Temple of Venus
- Temple of Venus
- Macchiozzo
- Macchiozzo
- Macchiozzo
- Macchiozzo
- Macchiozzo
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- Maritime Theater
- leaving Maritime Theater
- leaving Maritime Theater
- approaching Winter Palace
- approaching Winter Palace
- approaching Winter Palace
- Winter Palace
- Winter Palace
- Winter Palace
- Peschiera
- Peschiera
- Peschiera
- Winter Palace
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Piazza D’Oro
- Ambulatory Wall
- approaching Ambulatory Wall
- Ambulatory Wall
- Poikile
- Poikile, overloooking Cento Camarelle and Antinoeion
- Three Exedra Building
- Poikile
- Poikile
- Three Exedra Building
- leaving Three Exedra Building
- Nymphaeum
- approaching top of Antiquarium
- approaching top of Antiquarium
- on top of Antiquarium
- approaching Roccabruna
- approaching Roccabruna
- Roccabruna
- Roccabruna
- Roccabruna
- Roccabruna
- Panorama Tour