Court Ladies Playing Double Sixes

Court Ladies Playing Double Sixes


Nei - jen shuang - lu t'u; ARTIST Chou Fang (act. c.766-804); PERIOD T'ang 618-906; T2.; MATTER ?; MATERIAL Ink and color on silk; FORMAT Handscroll (3 sections) * Pict. - 11 5/16 in. x 45 1/4 in. Callig. 11 5/16 in. x 16 5/8 in.; SEALS 17; INSCRIPTION; COLOPHON Yes (dated: 1562 A.D.); KS Pictorial - 28.8 cm. x 115 cm., Callig - 28.8 cm. x 42.2 cm.; ?NG SHU HUA LU # TH7; 162 (4); ARCHIVE 2624-2627 #; (1 color slide)

Image Source

Columbia University Department of Art History and Archaeology Photograph Collection, digitized with support from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation

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