Study for Portrait of Hermine Gallia

Location in the CollectionAustria/ Klimt, Gustav/ Drawings

KLIMT, GUSTAV; Study for Portrait of Hermine Gallia; a3. STUDY FOR THE PORTRAIT OF HERMINE GALLIA; ca 1903-1904; Technique: pastel and red crayon; Dimensions: 171/2" X 12" (48.5 x 33.5cm); Signature: Estate stamp on the reverse.; Provenance: Rudolf Zimpel Collection; Notes: Many studies exist for the portrait of Mrs. Hermine Gallia, some showing her standing (as he finally painted her), and some sitting. See the references to these drawings in D. 138. Another sheet, showing Hermine Gallia seated in the same armchair, is reproduced in Christian M. Nebehay. Katalog XV. Gustav Klimt, Zeichnungen und Dokumentation, Vienna 1968, No. 8.

Image Source

Columbia University Department of Art History and Archaeology Photograph Collection, digitized with support from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Record ID