Palazzo Ducale

Date: founded 9th century; expansion 14th-16th centuries; expanded interior decorations from 16th-17th centuries
Image View Description: Interior: View Down the Length of Corridor
Material/Technique: stone
, Material/Technique: marble
, Material/Technique: brick
Work Type: architecture
Culture: Italian
Culture: Venetian
Location: Venice (Italy)
Notes: In Venetian dialect liagò means a terrace or balcony enclosed by glass. This particular example was a sort of corridor and meeting-place for patrician members of the Great Council in the intervals between their discussions of government business. The ceiling of painted and gilded beams dates from mid 16th century, while the paintings, mostly by Domenico Tintoretto, are from the 17th century. The gallery also contains three important works of sculpture: Adam, Eve and The Shield-Bearer. These are the originals sculpted between 1462 and 1471 by Antonio Rizzo to adorn the façades of the Foscari Gateway in the courtyard of the palace.From this hall you can see the Sala Del Guariento which contains the remains of frescos of the Coronation of the Virgin by Guariento (1365-67).
Image Source: Photography by the Media Center for Art History, Department of Art History and Archaeology, © The Trustees of Columbia University
Photographer: Cassy Juhl
Record ID: ven_doge_corridor_sala_del_maggior_con

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