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Exterior, south chevet detail
Exterior, crossing detail from southeast
Exterior, south transept portal
Exterior, south transept detail
Exterior, dado of bishop's chapel
Interior, western frontispiece, south portal, detail
Interior, chevet, south gallery vault
Interior, chevet gallery ambulatory vault
Interior, chevet gallery ambulatory vault
Interior, chevet hemicycle triforium
Interior, chevet, south aisle capital
Interior, chevet, south aisle base
Interior, chevet north arcade capital
Interior, chevet south ambulatory vault keystone
Interior, chevet ambulatory vault keystone
Interior, chevet north ambulatory vault keystone
Interior, chevet, ambulatory, base
Interior, chevet ambulatory capital
Interior, chevet, north aisle capital
Interior, chevet, north aisle capital
Interior, nave, north aisle capital
Interior, north nave aisle ribbed vault
Interior, nave, south arcade capital
Interior, nave, south arcade capital
Interior, nave, north arcade capital
Interior, nave, north arcade pier base
Interior, nave, west end, north arcade capital
Exterior, chapter house, west side detail
Exterior, chevet, north side, gargoyle
Exterior, north transept rose window
Exterior, north transept portal
Exterior, chevet, stringcourse at base of northern chapel window
Exterior, library
Exterior, chevet, stringcourse at base of chapel window
Exterior, chevet, stringcourse at base of southern chapel window
Exterior, chevet, south side, gargolye and corbels
Exterior, crossing from southeast
Exterior, south transept portal, tympanym
Exterior, ruins of bishop's chapel
Exterior, south transept clerestory windows
Interior, chevet, ambulatory base
Interior, chevet ambulatory vault keystone
Interior, nave, north arcade pier base detail
Interior, nave, north aisle base
Interior, jubé
Interior, jubé
Interior, jubé
Interior, chevet ambulatory vault keystone
Interior, chevet south gallery capital
Interior, chevet south gallery sculpture
Interior, chevet, south gallery capital
Interior, chevet, south gallery capital
Interior, chevet, south gallery capital
Interior, chevet triforium north side
Interior, chevet north gallery transverse arch
Interior, chevet ambulatory capital
Interior, chevet, ambulatory capitals
Interior, chevet, ambulatory capital
Interior, chevet, ambulatory capital
Interior, chevet north gallery vault keystone
Interior, chevet, ambulatory capitals
Interior, chevet, ambulatory capital
Interior, chevet, ambulatory capital
Interior, chevet gallery ambulatory capitals
Interior, chevet gallery ambulatory capitals
Interior, chevet ambulatory capitals
Interior, chevet north gallery capital
Interior, chevet north gallery capital
Interior, chevet north gallery capital
Interior, chevet north gallery capital
Interior, chevet north gallery capital
Interior, chevet gallery level looking north
Interior, north choir gallery capital
Interior: ambulatory
Interior: chapter hall
Interior: nave
Interior: choir screen passage
Interior: crossing
Interior: north choir gallery level
Interior: north choir gallery level at railing
Interior: north transept gallery level
Exterior: western frontispiece, central portal and porch