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Exterior; street view south cathedral parvis
Interior, south transept portal scuptural detail
Interior: Wooden Stairs to the Choir Stalls
Interior: Fragment of Stalls
Interior: Choir stalls
Interior: Nave Looking East from choir loft
Interior: Nave Looking East
Exterior: View from the West
Exterior: View from the West
Sculptural detail
Sections of compound pier of crossing and pilier cantonné of nave arcade.
Plan, from Durand, Monographie, 1, plate 1.
Section of choir. (From Durand, Monographie, 1, plate XIX).
Section of nave aisle and buttresses
Base moulding profiles. (a) Nave pier (b) Choir pier.
Drawing of nave looking east
Drawing of western frontispiece elevation
Transverse section of the nave and aisle
Interior nave elevation
Interior and exterior elevation of the nave
Section of nave aisle and buttress
Detail of stonework
Detail of brickwork
Detail of stonework
Detail of stonework
Choir buttress section
Choir floorplan
- Interior, axial chapel
- Interior, tomb
- Interior, tomb
- Interior, chevet, stained glass
- Exterior, south chevet
- Exterior, south chevet
- Interior: roof
- Exterior: western frontispiece, north portal
- Exterior, western frontispiece portals
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece