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Interior, transept, pier
Comparison of 12th century and present floorplans
Reconstruction of the floorplan in the 12th century
Interior, reconstructed elevation in the 12th century
Perspective drawing of chevet
Perspective drawing reconstruction of nave in the 12th century
Reconstruction of chevet floorplan in the 12th century
Tower elevation
Detail of capitals
Section and elevation of ambulatory
Drawing of western frontispiece, central portal
Exterior, western frontispiece
Transverse section of nave and aisles
Floorplan, gallery level
Interior, elevation
Interior, transept, pier section
Pier sections
Interior details
Tower elevation
Western frontispiece elevation and details
Floorplan, section and details
Longitudinal section
Western frontispiece elevation
Choir floorplan
Exterior, western frontispiece
Exterior, south transept rose window
Exterior, western frontispiece
Interior, north nave elevation from crossing
Reconstruction of the interior elevation in the 12th century
Exterior restoration of the higher level by Viollet-le-Duc
Restoration of the high vaults by Viollet-le-Duc