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Plan of medieval Bourges showing cathedral projecting through old Roman wall
- Interior Crypt, Pier base
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral porch
- Interior, chevet, outer ambulatory, window, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece. central portal, Last Judgment
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment
- Interior, chevet, outer ambulatory, window, detail, Last Judgment
- Interior, chevet, outer ambulatory, window, detail, Passion
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Christ in trumean (restored)
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment, Resurrection, the Damned
- Exterior nave, south side
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, tympanum, Maiestas Domini
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, tympanum, Maiestas Domini
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, column figures, left side
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, column figures, right side
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, socle
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, trumeau
- Exterior nave, south side, South lateral portal, column figures, left side
- Interior nave, pier base
- Interior nave, pier bases
- Interior choir, south aisles, pier base showing trace of provisional wall
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Eve and the Serpent
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Adam and Eve eat the fruit
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado. Adam and Eve naked
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, God in the Garden
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south inner portal tympanum. Saint Stephen
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south inner portal trumeau. Saint Stephen
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Noah's Ark
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, The Flood
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, The Flood
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south outer portal, Saint Ursinus
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south outer portal, Saint Ursinus
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Drunkenness of Noah
- Exterior, chevet from south
- Exterior, chevet from southeast
- Exterior, general view from southeast (archbishop's garden)
- Exterior, chevet from southeast
- Exterior, general view from southeast (archbishop's garden)
- Exterior nave, south side
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment, Resurrection, the Elect
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment, Resurrection, the Damned
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Last Judgment, Christ the Judge
- Exterior, western frontispiece, Christ in trumeau (restored)
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Creation
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Adam and Eve in the Garden; the Original Sin
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Eve and the Serpent
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Adam and Eve naked
- Exterior western frontispiece, dado, Expulsion from the Garden
- Interior Crypt, Scatological corbel
- Interior Crypt, Entrance
- Interior Crypt, Pier capitals
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Mouth of Hell
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Punishment of the Damned
- Interior Crypt, Sculptural Fragments
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Judas and the pieces of silver
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Arrest of Chris
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Christ before Pilate
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Crucifixion
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Road to Calvary
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Entombment
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. Soldiers at the tomb
- Interior Crypt, Fragments from the choir screen. The empty tomb
- Interior Crypt
- Interior Crypt
- Interior Crypt
- Interior Crypt, Central chamber under the hemicycle
- Interior Crypt, Central chamber under the hemicycle
- Interior Crypt
- Interior Crypt, Pier base
- Interior Crypt, Pier base
- Interior Crypt, Sculptural Fragments
- Interior Crypt, Corbel
- Interior Crypt, Vault springers in entrance
Exterior, east chevet elevation
Exterior, western frontispiece, portals
Exterior, areal view of western frontispiece
Exterior, western frontispiece
Interior, north nave elevation looking east
Interior, detail of stained glass window
Exterior, south nave, porch
Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal, tympanum
Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal
Exterior, western frontispiece, portals
Interior, crypt
Interior, north nave aisle, looking east
Interior, nave looking east
Interior, nave looking east
Exterior, south nave, detail of the towers and buttresses
Exterior, south nave, porch and flying buttresses
Longitudinal section of nave
Transverse section of nave
Longitudinal section
Drawing from the Trés riches heures du duc de Berry (1413-1416), scenes of the presentation of the church
Floorplan of the crypt
Transverse section
Transverse section
Longitudinal elevation
Transverse section
Floorplan and elevation of chevet
- Exterior: chevet and Bishop's Palace
- Interior: buttress tower chamber
- Interior: chevet
- Interior: stair at roof level
- Interior: crypt hemicycle
- Exterior: escalier Saint-Guillaume, mid level
- Exterior: clerestory level, N2-N3
- Exterior: crypt, west of N2
- Interior: roof, main combles
- Interior: nave
- Interior: nave
- Interior: west nave
- Interior: north crypt
- Interior: north nave, triforium level, passage
- Interior: north nave aisle
- Interior: north triforium passage
- Interior: south ambulatory
- Interior: south ambulatory chapel
- Interior: inner south ambulatory
- Interior: outer south ambulatory
- Interior: upper chappel between N5-N6
- Interior: western frontispiece, south tower
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Interior: crypt, museum
- Exterior: Tympanum of Central Portal on West Facade
- Interior, outer south nave aisle looking east
- Interior, outer south nave aisle looking east
- Interior, inner south nave aisle looking east
- Exterior, chevet from east
- Exterior, chevet and crypt from east
- Exterior, chevet from east
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, chevet and nave from southeast
- Exterior, nave from southeast
- Exterior, nave and chevet from southeast
- Interior, nave south side from north nave aisle
- Interior, nave, south side from north nave aisle
- Interior, south nave elevation from north nave aisle
- Interior, nave, south side from north nave aisle
- Interior, nave, south side from north nave aisle
- Interior, ambulatory chapel
- Interior, ambulatory chapel
- Interior, chevet, inner ambulatory
- Interior, chevet, inner ambulatory vaults
- Interior, chevet, inner ambulatory axial bay looking into high vaults
- Interior, chevet, inner south ambulatory vaults
- Interior, chevet, inner south ambulatory looking north
- Interior, chevet, outer ambulatory
- Interior, chevet looking north from inner south aisle
- Interior, chevet, looking into hemicycle from inner south ambulatory
- Interior, chevet, llong northeast from outer south aisle
- Interior, chevet, outer south ambulatory looking into inner south ambulatory
- Interior, chevet, outer south aisle looking east into ambulatory
- Interior, chevet hemicycle looking up
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle looking east
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle vaults
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle looking east
- Interior, nave looking northwest from chevet
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle looking northeast
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle looking northeast
- Interior, chevet looking northeast
- Interior, chevet looking northeast
- Interior, chevet looking northeast
- Interior, chevet looking northeast
- Interior, chevet looking northeast
- Interior, chevet looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking east
- Interior, western frontispiece, south buttress tower, upper chamber, chapel
- Interior, western frontispiece, south buttress tower, upper chamber, chapel, window
- Interior, western frontispiece, south buttress tower, upper chamber, chapel, tracing floor
- Exterior, south nave buttresses from south tower of western frontispiece
- Exterior, south nave buttresses from south tower of western frontispiece
- Interior, western frontispiece, south tower, upper chamber
- Interior, western frontispiece, south tower, upper chamber