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Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Ethnographic image: Caravan
Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Ethnographic image: School for indigenous Libyans
Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Infrastructure project
Ethnographic image: Traditional Qur'anic School
Pietro Verri School for Libyan Jews
Benito Mussolini Italian-Arab School
Ethnographic image: A Student at the Qur'anic School
Italian-Arab School
Professional School for Arab Girls
Interior of a school for Arab Girls
Interior of a school for Jewish Girls
Class for Arab pupils
Indigenous Zeribe: housing on the outskirts of Tripoli
Fair: Pavilion in the Saharan style for the use of small businesses
Fair: central street
Indigenous Zeribe: housing on the outskirts of Tripoli
Agriculture: desert before reforestation
Agriculture: reforestation
Agriculture: grain cultivation
Agriculture: entrance to an agricultural concession
Agriculture: inside of a farm
Agriculture: artesian well
Agriculture: Italian concession of the Italian tobacco company, Tigrina
Agriculture: colonial house on an agricultural concession
Agriculture: Luigi Razza Agricultural Center in eastern Libya
Members of the Piedmonts Nobility visiting the Lui Razza village
Agriculture: The Beda Littoria Agricultural Center in eastern Libya
Agriculture: an agricultural village being constructed in the Libyan desert
New colonial hospital for Italians, Muslims, and Jews, Tripoli
Municipal doctor's office, Tripoli
Municipal doctor's office, Tripoli
Municipal doctor's office, Tripoli
Interior of a Municipal doctor's office, Tripoli
Libyan Artisans: weaver's workshop
Libyan Artisans: silversmith's workshop
Libyan Artisans: potter's workshop
Local Libyan industries: tuna fishermen
Local Libyan industries: tuna fishermen
Local Libyan industries: tuna fishermen
Local Libyan industries: transporting sheep
Street scene, Ghadamis
Infrastructure project
Mount Neri (?), Libya
Berber fort
New hotel, Nalut
Ghadamis, aerial photo
View from the terraces, Ghadamis
Old fort
Arab well in the oasis
Tajura Oasis
Friday sheep market
Salt lake in the desert
Acacus Mountains, Mount Neri (?)
Soda Mountain
Tibesti Desert, Lari Valley
Tibesti Desert, Lari Valley
Tibesti Desert, Lari Valley
Tibesti Desert, Lari Valley
Durach Mosque, Dhara
Interior of the Ahmad Pasha Karamanli Mosque (1711), Tripoli
Interior of the Ahmad Pasha Karamanli Mosque (1711), Tripoli
Mosque of Tajura', interior
Interior of the Sidi Ahmed Mosque, Tripoli
Scene of a Zawiya
Indigenous performance
Zawiya, Marzuq
Local crowd in the market
Ethnographic image: bread vendor
Camel market in the Friday Suq
Itinerate vegetable seller
Vendor of amulets (tawqiyah)
Jewish washer-women
Touareg women in Ghat
Touareg performance in Ghat
Typical Touareg in Ghadamis
Prayer break during a desert caravan
Arab woman
Typical young Berber women
Young bedouin woman
Woman adorned with jewelry made by Libyan artisans
Maharisti, indigenous troops.
Maharisti squadron on the march
Maharisti squadron on the march
Typical Maharisti
Marshal Balbo reviewing a Maharisti Squadron
Marshal Balbo reviewing a Maharisti Squadron in the south
The Zaptie, Indigenous troops: the motorcycle division
Zaptie platoon escorting the Governor General
Indigenous cavalry troops, the Savari.
Charge of the Spahis (indigenous, irregular cavalry)
Young, Arab drummers from the Littorio
Marshal Balbo reviewing a division of the Arab youth of the Littorio, a youth organization he created
Division of Gal Sfila on parade
Student platoon from Gal.
The final stretch of road toward Tunisia on the Libyan coastal road
The Libya coastal road crossing the Sa'id Oasis
Administrator's house on the Libya coastal road
Coastal road: a section under construction
Costal road: a stretch crossing to Sebha. The street runs in a manufactured retaining wall (vespaio) to drain water.
Tripoli: workers for the construction of the coastal road, the large road 200km in length that reaches from the Tunisian to the Egyptian borders. Marshall Balbo examines the construction of administrative houses along the length of the road.
Marshall Balbo visiting the workers on the coastal road
Leptis Magna: Basilica Severiana
Leptis Magna: The Triumphal Arch of Trajan
Leptis Magna: the Caldarium of the baths
Leptis Magna: Tourists visiting the baths
Leptis Magna: a pool in the baths
Leptis Magna: the gymnasium in the baths
Leptis Magna: The Prince of the Piedmont accompanying Marshall Balbo on a visit to the excavations
Sabratha: the exterior of the Roman theater now reconstructed under Governor Balo. It was inaugurated in 1937 with a grad performance of Oedipus Rex
Sabratha: the interior of the theater
Sabratha: the stage of the Roman theater
Sabratha: a detail of the reconstructed stage of the theater
Apollonia: the Basilica
Cyrene: Roman columns
Cyrene: panoramic view of the archaeological zone
Tripoli: the palace of the Governor of Libya
Tripoli: the palace, the seat of officials of the Governor of Libya
Tripoli: the office of the Governor General in the Palace
Tripoli: the Conte Volpi Cornice
Tripoli: a beach club
Tripoli: the entrance to the Muscir Suq at the Karamanli Mosque (1711)
Tripoli: the arch of Marcus Aurelius that has been restored (1936-37)
Sea Horse Fountain in the Italian Square, with Arab kids who like all the water
Tripoli: A characteristic tourist hotel called the Mahari
Tripoli: The Grand Hotel
Tripoli: One of the sumptuous new hotels in Tripoli, the Hotel-Casino Uddan
Tripoli: The Arab and Jewish Quarters
Tripoli: a view of the modern city with the oasis
Tripoli: one of the gardens at the gate
Tripoli: one of the streets of the Hara (the Jewish Quarter)
Tripoli: a street in the Arab city
Tripoli: houses for Italian workers constructed by the government
Tripoli: houses for workers
Tripoli: family houses for government functionaries
Ghadamis: Spring of the Mare ('ain al-fras)
Ghadamis: The Prince of the Piedmont, accompanied by Marshall Balbo, visiting the the Fort at Ghadamis
Ghadamis: a path through the orchards
Ghadamis: a new Saharan (style) hotel at 'ain al-fras of a tourist agency
Ghadamis: a new fountain
Ghadamis: a leader in aviation
Murzuq: Aerial view, located 1100km south of Tripoli
Ghadamis: the interior of a noblemen's house
Nalut: the old Berber town
The Libyan Desert: a dune
An automobile caravan in the desert
Ghat: 1544 km southwest of Tripoli
Ghadamis: The Mosque of Ghadamis
Nalut: the interior of a Berber house
Yafran: the hotel located 162km from Tripoli
Giado: a departure point for caravans from the oasis
Khums: a town 120km from Tripoli
Taourga Oasis
Special Collection: Libya during the Italian Colonial Period (169)
Media Type
Image (169)
Dhara (Libya) (1)
Ghadamis (Libya) (12)
Ghat (Libya) (3)
Khums (Libya) (1)
Libya (111)
Marzuq (Libya) (3)
Nalut (Libya) (4)
Sinawin (Libya) (1)
Tripoli (Libya) (32)
Yafran (Libya) (1)
Work Type
photograph (169)