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Jupiter Column
Altar for Mercury-Cissonius
Statue of Mercury
Votive stone dedicated to the genius of Neustadtstraße
Votive stone dedicated to Neptune
Votive stone for the goddess Candida
Votive stone for Fortune
Statue of Leo
Votive stone for Mithras
Small votive relief of Mithras
Fragment of a Jupiter column
Fragment of a Jupiter column
Fragment of a Jupiter column
Fragment of a Jupiter column
Fragments of a Jupiter column and grave finds
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Column Capital
Jupiter Column
Lictor Stone
Building Inscription
Votive Stone for Silvanus
Jupiter Column
Gravestone of Gaius Atrectus
Domestic Goods in a Stone Grave
Altar for Prosperpina and gravestone of Ambirenius Fronto
Gravestone of Ambirenius Fronto
Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt
Vessel with a Face
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Statue of a Genius
Statue of a Genius
Jupiter Column
Urn with Gorgons
Urn with Gorgons
Bronze phallus amules and two clay figurines of Venus
Statue of the fertility god Priapus
Statue of the fertility god Priapus
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Altar for Mercury-Cissonius
Fragment of a statue
Gravestone of Gaius Atrectus
Building Inscription
Model of a Mithraeum
Model of a Mithraeum, reverse relief
Model of a Mithraeum altar
Statue of a Genius with Inscription Base
Hellenistic head of a girl
Early classical head of a man
Statue of a Genius with Inscription Base
Statue of a Genius with Inscription Base
Statue of a Genius with Inscription Base
Roman and Early Christian Germany (81)
Media Type
Image (81)
Frankfurt (Germany) (81)
altar: sandstone; gravestone: basalt (1)
basalt (6)
capital: sandstone; pinnacle: limestone (2)
limestone (6)
marble (3)
pottery (2)
sandstone (35)
sandstone and lime (1)
Work Type
sculpture (81)