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Jupiter Column
Altar for Mercury-Cissonius
Votive stone dedicated to the genius of Neustadtstraße
Votive stone dedicated to Neptune
Votive stone for the goddess Candida
Votive stone for Fortune
Fragment of a Jupiter column
Fragment of a Jupiter column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Column Capital
Jupiter Column
Lictor Stone
Votive Stone for Silvanus
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Igel Column
Fragment of a Gable
Grave Pillar of Avitus
Grave Pillar of Avitus
Negotiator Pillar
Negotiator Pillar
Negotiator Pillar
Negotiator Pillar
Oceanus, Tritons, Weapons
Oceanus, Tritons, Weapons
Oceanus, Tritons, Weapons
Transaction Scene
Fabric Examination Scene
Part of a Funerary Altar and a Togatus
Grave Ornament
Fragments from the Grave with the School Relief
Fragments from the Grave with the School Relief
Attis and Neptune, River God, "Scythe Man"
Attis and Neptune, River God, "Scythe Man"
Animal Sacrifice
Relief Block with Wine Ship
Relief Block with Wine Ship
Punting Scene
Punting Scene
Relief with Hauling Scene
Wine Ship and Amphorae
Wine Ship and Amphorae
Wine Ship and Amphorae
Altar with Dedicatory Inscription for Hekate
Pedestal with Juno and Dedicatory Inscription for Jupiter
Smaller Tombs, Box and Half-Cylinder
Head of Attis
Block of a Grave with Vine Scrolls
Relief with Carpenter
Front Side of a Sarcophagus Lid
Half of an Image from a Sarcophagus Lid
Inscription for Maura
Bear and Boar
Bear and Boar
Bear and Boar
Bear and Boar
Bear and Boar
Bear and Boar
Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple
Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple
Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple
Fragment of a Tomb for a Married Couple
Building Inscription of a Cult Theater
Building Inscription of a Cult Theater
Building Inscription of a Cult Theater
Building Inscription of a Fire Signal Tower
Building Inscription of a Fire Signal Tower
Foundation Inscription for a Cult Theater and Annual Games
Foundation Inscription for a Cult Theater and Annual Games
Honorary Inscription
Honorary Inscription
Honorary Inscription
Remainder of a Tomb
Remainder of a Tomb
Relief with Cloth Sample
Relief with Cloth Sample
Statue of Sucellus
Statue of Sucellus
Statue of Sucellus
Statue of Vulcan
Statue of Vulcan
Statue of Vulcan
Roman and Early Christian Germany (198)
Media Type
Image (193)
Panorama (5)
Bad Homburg vor der Höhe (Germany) (2)
Cologne (Germany) (1)
Frankfurt (Germany) (34)
Igel (Germany) (85)
Trier (Germany) (76)
sandstone (198)
Work Type
architecture (94)
sculpture (104)
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