M. Jordan Love
- Interior, southeast crossing pier
- Interior, north transept, east side pier capital
- Interior, north transept pier capital
- Interior, modified vault in north choir aisle vault
- Interior, hemicycle triforium tracery
- Interior, ambulatory, rcapital
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory, base
- Interior, chevet, north aisle triforium with 14th-c. consolidation
- Interior, chevet, north aisle, 14th-c. consolidation
- Interior, chevet, north outer aisle capital
- Interior, south choir pier capital
- Interior, ambulatory pier capital
- Interior, north choir pier (aaded) capital
- Interior, north choir pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south outer aisle, pier base
- Interior, chevet, southern main arcade pier base seen from aisle
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory, triforium
- Interior, south choir pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south outer aisle captial (16th-c.)
- Interior, south transept/chevet aisle base
- Interior, southwest crossing pier detail
- Interior, southwest crossing pier base
- Exterior, west side of the north transept and cloister
- Exterior, nave (Basse Oeuvre c.1000) soutjh side
- Exterior, chevet, buttress upright (culée) in ambulatory
- Exterior, chevet, radiating chapel, window
- Exterior, chevet clerestory window south side
- Exterior, south transept, east side, rose
- Exterior, chevet clerestory window, south side
- Exterior, chevet, radiating chapel window, south
- Exterior, south transept, east side, "triforium" passage
- Exterior, crossing tower, west wall
- Exterior, west side of north transept detail
- Interior, stringcourse on east side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, stringcourse on north side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, stringcourse on west side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, boss in ambulatory vault detail
- Interior, north transept aisle capital
- Interior, stringcourse on south side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, boss in north radiating chapel vault
- Interior, capital between north radiating chapels
- Interior, boss north radiating chapel vault
- Interior, south chevet base
- Interior, north chevet capital
- Interior, north chevet capital
- Interior, boss in south radiating chapel vault
- Interior, capital between south radiating chapels
- Interior, southwest crossing pier base
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal tympanum and archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal tympanum detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal tympanum detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, east end rose window
- Interior, boss on nave vault
- Interior, boss on nave vault
- Interior, boss on nave vault
- Interior, boss on nave vault
- Interior, boss on nave vault
- Interior, north nave triforium tracery
- Interior, south nave pier base
- Interior, south nave clerestory capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave triforium
- Interior, north nave pier base
- Interior, corbel in north nave aisle chapel
- Interior, corbel in north nave aisle chapel
- Interior, capital in south nave triforium
- Interior, south nave pier detail
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, capital in north nave aisle
- Interior, sculptural detail in south nave clerestory
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, atlas figure on north nave aisle pier
- Interior, atlas figure on north nave aisle pier
- Interior, atlas figure on north nave aisle pier
- Interior, atlas figure on north nave aisle pier
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave aisle ribbed vault
- Interior, north nave aisle ribbed vault
- Interior, north nave aisle ribbed vault
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Exterior, western frontispiece portal, north capitals
- Exterior, western frontispiece portal, south capitals
- Exterior, western frontispiece portal, tympanum
- Exterior, western frontispiece window detail
- Exterior, south nave corbel and window
- Exterior, south nave portal, west capitals
- Exterior, south nave portal tympanum
- Exterior, lantern tower
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- North nave pier base
- North crossing pier capital
- North choir pier base
- South crossing pier capital
- South choir aisle capital
- South choir pier capital
- South crossing pier capital
- Interior, north crossing pier capital
- North crossing pier capital
- Interior, south crossing pier capital and atlas figure
- South crossing pier base pier capital
- North nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave shaft capital
- North nave pier base
- South crossing pier base
- South crossing pier capital
- South nave pier capital
- South nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, western wall capital
- Interior, north choir aisle vault boss
- Interior, north choir shaft
- Interior, south choir aisle vault boss
- Interior, south choir aisle base
- Interior, south choir corbel
- Interior, south choir shaft capital
- Interior, south choir pier capital
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, south choir aisle capital
- Interior, south choir aisle capital
- Interior, choir vault 2 (west to east) boss
- Interior, choir vault 1 (west to east) boss
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, southeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, north choir pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier corbel
- Interior, northwest crossing pier corbel
- Interior, south transept corbel
- Interior, north transept corbel
- Interior, northwest crossing pier corbel
- Interior, southwest crossing pier corbel
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, south nave aisle capital
- Interior, south nave pier base
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave shaft capital
- Interior, south nave pier base
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave shaft capital
- Interior, south nave architrave
- Interior, north nave architrave
- Interior, north nave architrave
- Interior, south nave aisle capital
- Interior, south nave aisle capital
- Interior, south nave aisle capital
- Interior, north nave aisle capital
- Interior, south nave shaft capital
- Interior, south nave shaft capital
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, outer ambulatory capital
- Interior, ambulatory pier capital
- Interior, ambulatory pier base
- Interior, south transept stringcourse
- Interior, north choir stringcourse
- Interior, ambulatory pier capital
- Interior, south transept chapel capital
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capitals
- Interior, southeast crossing pier capitals
- Exterior, south portal capitals
- Exterior, south portal capitals
- Exterior, northeast portal tympanum
- Exterior, radiating chapel detail
- Exterior, south transept window details
- Exterior, radiating chapel detail
- Exterior, southeast tower windows
- Exterior, southeast tower detail
- Exterior, southeast tower detail