Chartres (France)
- Exterior, buttress and clerestory detail
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, east jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept portals, west portal sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, central portal sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, east portal sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, south transept, east portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, south transept, east portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, south transept, east portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, south transept, center portal, trumeau, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, south transept, center portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, south transept, center portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal, tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal, tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal, south jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal, south jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal, north jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south portal, north jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb figure
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, southern jamb figures
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, northern jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, northern jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, north jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, north portal, northern jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, east portal, western jamb figures, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, east portal, eastern jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, tympanum, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept between center and western portal, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, west jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept porch, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, east jamb figure, detail
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, western jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept portals, sculptural detail
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, tympanum and archivolts
- Exterior, north transept portals, west corner
- Exterior, north transept portals
- Exterior, north transept portals, right corner
- Exterior, detail of south transept, central portal, west jamb figures
- Exterior, detail of north transept, central portal, west jamb figures
- Exteiror, detail of north portal sculpture
- Exterior, north transept, east portal, tympanum
- Exterior, aerial view from south
- Exterior, north elevation from distance
- Exterior: Jamb Figures, Royal Portal
- Interior: Transept
- Interior, south nave aisle looking east
- Interior, south choir aisles looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Exterior, north transept, portals and north tower
- Exterior: Cathedral Clock
- Exterior: Nave Exterior, Detail of Flying Buttresses
- Exterior, north transept, portals
- Exterior, north transept, portals
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior: View from Southwest
- Interior: Detail of Choir, Christ Leaves his Tomb and the Female Saints Arrive at the Tomb
- Interior: Detail of Choir, Jesus Enters Jerusalem
- Interior: Detail of Choir
- Interior: Choir
- Interior: Detail of Choir Enclosure
- Column Details (no longer in situ)
- Column Details (no longer in situ)
- Exterior: Portal Septentrional, Central Portal, North Porch
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, detail of north transept, central portal, tympanum
- Longitudinal section
- Floorplan
- Floorplan
- Floorplan
- Perspective drawing of north transept portals
- Exterior, south elevation
- Drawing of western frontispiece
- Western frontispiece, rose window detail
- West façade tower section and elevation detail
- Pier sections
- Pier sections
- South transept rose window detail
- Drawing of south transept elevation and porch
- Drawing of western frontispiece
- Buttress section and elevation
- Transverse section, exterior and interior elevations
- Floorplan
- Exterior, nave elevation
- Transverse section of nave
- Reconstructed original floorplan
- Floorplan
- Floorplan of chevet
- Drawing of buttress
- Interior, axial chapel
- Interior, north chevet elevation
- Interior, south ambulatory aisles looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation and crossing looking west
- Interior, north nave elevation and crossing looking west
- Interior, north chevet elevation looking east
- Interior, north chevet elevation and crossing
- Interior, chevet elevation
- Interior, north nave elevation looking west
- Interior, north nave elevation looking west
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, south tower
- Interior, roof
- Interior, roof
- Exterior, south nave flying buttresses looking east
- Exterior, south nave flying buttresses looking east
- Exterior, south nave flying buttresses looking east
- Interior, north anve elevation looking east from triforium
- Interior, north anve elevation looking east from triforium
- Exterior, north transept, porch, west corner
- Exterior, north transept and north nave looking west
- Exterior, north transept and north nave looking east
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, north transept, porch, west corner
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, left jambs
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, right jambs
- Exterior, north transept, center portal
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, trumeau
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, right jambs
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, right jambs looking west
- Exterior, north transept, east portal, left jambs
- Exterior, north transept, pier base
- Exterior, north transept, east portal, right jambs looking west
- Exterior, north transept, east portal, west jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept, east portal
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, west jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, right jambs
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, left jambs and trumeau
- Exterior, north transept, center portal, left jambs looking east
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, right jambs
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, left jambs looking east
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, left jambs
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, left jambs
- Exterior, north transept, west portal, east jamb figures
- Exterior, north transept, west portal
- Exterior, south transept, east portal, right jambs
- Exterior, south transept, east portal, west jamb figures
- Exterior, south transept, porch looking west
- Exterior, south transept, west portal, right jambs
- Exterior, south transept, west portal, right jambs
- Exterior, south transept, west portal, left jambs