Braine (France)
- Exterior, south transept
- Exterior, south transept and chevet
- Exterior, south chevet and south transept
- Exterior, south chevet
- Exterior, east chevet and radiating chapel
- Exterior, east chevet and radiating chapel
- Exterior, northeast chevet
- Exterior, north chevet and transept
- Exterior, north nave and transept
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Interior, crossing space vault and lantern tower
- Interior, north chevet and north radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet elevation
- Interior, north nave elevation
- Interior, south nave aisle pier
- Interior, north transept and crossing space
- Interior, south radiating chapel
- Interior, north chevet elevation
- Inteiror, north chevet elevation
- Interior, crossing elevation and vaulting
- Interior, nave and crossing space
- Interior, nave and crossing space
- Interior, chevet
- Exterior, crossing tower, west wall
- Exterior, west side of north transept detail
- Interior, stringcourse on east side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, stringcourse on north side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, stringcourse on west side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, boss in ambulatory vault detail
- Interior, north transept aisle capital
- Interior, stringcourse on south side of crossing lantern tower
- Interior, boss in north radiating chapel vault
- Interior, capital between north radiating chapels
- Interior, boss north radiating chapel vault
- Interior, south chevet base
- Interior, north chevet capital
- Interior, north chevet capital
- Interior, boss in south radiating chapel vault
- Interior, capital between south radiating chapels
- Interior, southwest crossing pier base
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal tympanum and archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal tympanum detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal tympanum detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal detail, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal archivolt, relocated in nave
- Interior, western frontispeice portal archivolt, relocated in nave
- Exterior, south transept and chevet
- Interior, nave and chevet looking east
- Interior, north transept
- Floorplan
- Longitudinal section, 1825
- Saint-Yved vers 1820, Lithographie de Dauzats
- Schematic plan
- Drawing of the western frontispiece portal
- Western frontispiece drawing
- Longitudinal section
- Transverse Section
- Longitudinal elevation
- Reconstructed plans, redrawn after G. Dehio: A (left): Braine, Saint-Yved, ca. 1190 B (right): Trier, Liebfrauenkirche, ca. 1235
- Floorplan
- Floorplan
- Interior: chevet
- Interior: crossing
- Interior: Choir
- Interior: Crossing
- Interior: South Chapels