Vendome (France)
- Exterior, tower and western frontispiece
- Interior, nave looking east
- Longitudinal section
- Transverse section
- Longitudinal elevation
- Floorplan
- Floorplan
- Interior, crossing and nave looking east
- Interior, radiating chapel
- Interior, radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet elevation
- Interior, chevet elevation
- Interior, lower chevet elevation
- Interior, chevet elevation
- Interior, north transept from crossing
- Interior, north transept from crossing
- Interior, north transept from crossing
- Interior, organ in the south transept from crossing
- Interior, radiating chapel
- Interior, axial chapel
- Interior, axial chapel
- Interior, east ambulatory aisle looking north
- Interior, south ambulatory aisle looking east into axial chapel
- Interior, south ambulatory aisle looking east
- Interior, south transept elevation looking west
- Interior, south ambulatory aisle looking east
- Interior, south transept elevation looking east
- Interior, north nave elevaiton looking west
- Interior, crossing and chevet
- Interior, crossing and chevet
- Interior, crossing and chevet elevation
- Interior, north anve elevation looking into crossing and chevet
- Interior, north nave elevation
- Interior, north nave elevation
- Interior, north nave elevation
- Interior, north nave elevation
- Interior, nave looking east
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispeice, center portal
- Exterior, south chevet elevation looking northwest
- Exterior, south chevet elevation looking northwest
- Exterior, south chevet elevation looking northwest
- Exterior, south chevet elevation
- Exterior,
- Exterior, west tower
- Exterior, west tower
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, west tower
- Exterior, west tower
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, north chevet elevation
- Exterior, north chevet elevation
- Exterior, northeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, northeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, northeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, northeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
- Exterior, west tower, sculptural relief
- Exterior, west tower, shaft capitals
- Exterior, west tower, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, west wall, canopy
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier base
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier capital
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier base
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south radiating chapel, window, detail
- Interior, chevet, north radiating chapel, window, detail
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel, vaulting keystone
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel, window, detail
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier capital
- Interior, chevet, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, south transept, vaulting rib corbel
- Interior, south transept, high vault, keystone
- Interior, south transept, south clerestory, vaulting shaft corbel
- Interior, south transept, south clerestory, vaulting shaft corbel
- Interior, north transept, vaulting rib corbel
- Interior, north transept, high vault, keystone
- Interior, north transept, north clerestory, vaulting shaft corbel
- Interior, north transept, north clerestory, vaulting shaft corbel
- Interior, nave, high vault, keystone
- Interior, chevet, southeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, northeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, south transept, east clerestory, vaulting corbel
- Interior, south transept, east clerestory, transverse arch, shaft capital
- Interior, north transept, east clerestory, vaulting corbel
- Interior, north transept, northeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capital
- Interior, nave, southwest crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft corbels
- Interior, nave, southwest crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, northwest crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft corbels
- Interior, nave, northwest crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north triforium, tracery, detail
- Interior, nave, north arcade, cornice, detail
- Interior, nave, north triforium, tracery, detail
- Interior, nave, north arcade, cornice, detail
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south arcade, pier capital
- Interior, nave, south arcade, pier base
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north arcade, pier capital
- Interior, nave, north arcade, pier base
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south arcade, pier base
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north arcade, pier base
- Exterior, western frontispiece, portal, trumeau canopy
- Exterior, western frontispiece, portal, south jamb figure
- Exterior, western frontispiece, portal, south jamb figure
- Exterior, western frontispiece, portal, north jamb figure
- Exterior, western frontispiece, portal, north jamb figure
- Exterior, western frontispiece, portal, trumeau figure
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, north nave elevation
- Exterior, tower from the northeast
- Exterior, north nave elevation at crossing
- Exterior, northeast chevet elevation, radiating chapels
- Exterior, northeast chevet elevation, axial chapel
- Exterior, southeast chevet elevation, radiating chapels
- Exterior, southeast chevet elevation, radiating chapels
- Exterior, southeast chevet elevation, radiating chapels
- Exterior, south chevet elevation, distant view
- Exterior, north transept and north nave elevation
- Exterior, north transept looking southeast
- Exterior, north tower elevation and western frontispiece
- Exterior, north chevet elevation
- Exterior, south nave elevation and tower
- Exterior, south nave elevation at crossing
- Exterior, south nave elevation
- Interior, chapter house
- Interior, detail, painting
- Interior, south chevet aisle, ambulatory, looking east
- Interior, south transept, looking east
- Interior, chevet, radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory, axial chapel
- Interior, detail, axial chapel, stained glass
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet looking northwest
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet, ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Interior, chevet, looking northwest into north transept
- Interior, chevet looking southeast
- Interior, south transept ceiling
- Interior, north transept ceiling
- Interior, north nave aisle looking west
- Interior, nave looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking northwest, pulpit
- Interior: chevet, ambulatory, axial chapel
- Interior: crossing
- Interior: chapter house