Nevers (France)
- Interior of the nave
- Exterior, east chevet
- Section of arch
- Floorplan
- Drawing, interior elevation of nave triforium
- Drawing, interior elevation of choir chapel
- Chapel floorplan
- Transverse section of the choir
- Plans, sections and elevations
- Exterior, north chevet elevation and portal
- Exterior, north chevet elevation and portal
- Exterior, north chevet elevation and portal
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, east chevet elevation
- Exterior, south chevet elevation
- Exterior, west apse elevation
- Exterior, west apse elevation
- Interior, west transept on north side looking east
- Interior, north transpet looking southwest
- Interior, crypt
- Interior, west transept looking northeast
- Interior, west apse aisle looking to north nave elevation
- Interior, western apse
- Interior, western apse
- Interior, south nave elevation looking southwest
- Interior, south nave elevation
- Interior, south nave elevation
- Interior, south nave arcade
- Interior, south nave elevation looking southwest
- Interior, south chevet aisle looking west
- Interior, north ambulatory aisle looking west
- Interior, east ambulatory aisle
- Interior, south ambulatory aisle looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking west
- Interior, chevet elevation looking northeast
- Interior, chevet elevation looking northeast
- Interior, chevet elevation looking northeast
- Interior, chevet elevation looking northeast
- Interior, chevet elevation looking northeast
- Interior, north nave elevation looking into chevet
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, north nave elevation looking east
- Interior, nave elevation looking east
- Interior, nave elevation looking east
- Exterior, west crossing, west gable, detail
- Interior, chevet, axial chapel, vaulting shaft capital
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, vault keystone
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, clerestory, shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, hemicycle, clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, east crossing, southwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, east crossing, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, chevet, south arcade, pier base
- Interior, chevet, south clerestory, intermediate vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, north arcade, pier base
- Interior, chevet, north clerestory, intermediate vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, chevet, south arcade, pier capital
- Interior, chevet, north arcade, pier capital
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, southwest crossing pier base
- Interior, nave, northwest crossing pier base
- Interior, nave, southwest crossing pier, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, northwest crossing pier, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, spandrel figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, spandrel figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, south triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, spandrel figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, spandrel figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, spandrel figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, north triforium, arcade, socle figure
- Interior, nave, south arcade, vaulting shaft base
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north arcade, vaulting shaft base
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capital
- Interior, nave, south arcade, pier base
- Interior, nave, south arcade, pier capital
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capital
- Interior, nave, north arcade, pier base
- Interior, nave, north arcade, pier capital
- Interior, west crossing, northeast pier, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, west crossing, southeast pier, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, southwest transept, south clerestory, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, southwest transept, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, west crossing, north arcade, pier capital
- Interior, west crossing, south arcade, pier capital
- Interior, west crossing, north arcade, pier base
- Interior, west crossing, north arcade, pier capital
- Interior, west crossing, south arcade, pier base
- Interior, west crossing, south arcade, pier capital
- Interior, west apse, north shaft capital
- Interior, west apse, south shaft capital
- Floorplan
- Floorplan
- Interior: chevet, ambulatory, axial chapel
- Interior: crossing
- Interior: nave
- Interior: north nave aisle
- Interior: western apse
- Interior: Chevet
- Interior: Nave
- Interior: West End
- Interior: Western Apse
- Interior: Crossing
- Interior: Crossing
- Interior: Nave
- Interior: Nave
- Interior: North Nave Tribunes
- Interior: Organ Loft
- Interior: South Hemicycle
- Interior: South Nave Tribunes