
founded 5th century
Work Type

Venice is comprised of more than one hundred islands with roughly 150 intersecting canals, connected by nearly 400 bridges. The waterways of Venice are as important as the streets. Internal rii (canals) usually have about 2 meters depth of water and a width of 4 to 5 meters. The long narrow streets that flank the length of canal are known as fondamenta. Bridges were originally flat and suitable for horse traffic, which was still in use until the 15th century. The Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal are the largest waterways, followed by the Cannaregio Canal. The alleyway streets, known as calli are flanked by buildings on either side. Barbacani can stick out over the calli; extended rooms or enclosed balconies held up by wooden joists. Calli open into campi (campo, singular) which were originally open grassy spaces where animals were fed and penned. These are generally faced by a church. Location within the city is determined by campo or chiesa (church), not by street. A vere da pozzo, or wellhead, is also always present in the center of the campo; providing the area homes with water. Corti (courts) and campielli are smaller open spaces, less than the campi. Medium width streets with houses and shops are called ruga or rughetta. Rio terra is a filled in canal that has become a street, the first streets to be paved were called salizzade. Ramo is a small track of street connecting 2 bigger streets. Finally sottoportici are covered passageways or narrow passages open beneath private houses.

The Zattere runs along the entire length of the southern side of Venice. While it is differentiated (in name only) in sections based on nearby locations, as a whole it is simply known as "Zattere" and is a popular place to stroll.


See Also
  • View of Grand Canal facing south on the Rialto Bridge
  • View of Grand Canal facing south on the Rialto Bridge
  • View of Grand Canal facing south on the Rialto Bridge
  • View of the Grand Canal, facing South on Riva del Vin from the Rialto Bridge
  • View of the Grand Canal, facing South on Riva del Vin from the Rialto Bridge
  • shop near Mercato di Rialto
  • shop near Mercato di Rialto
  • detail: sculptural relief along Grand Canal, near Mercato di Rialto
  • View looking Northeast down Corte del Duca Sforza, through passageway which provides access to Grand Canal
  • View East down Calle de le Carrozze from San Samuele
  • detail: door, street view adjacent to Palazzo Ligabue Erizzo
  • View west from bridge connecting Calle Locatelli and Calle del Pestrin over Rio de Ca' Granzoni
  • View South from end of Ramo Narisi
  • buildings at the far Eastern side of a small square (campiello) where Corte de l'Albero meets Fondamenta de l'Albero
  • looking south down Rio de Ca' Corner from Ponte de l'Albero
  • looking north down Rio de Ca' Corner from Ponte de l'Albero, towards Canal Grande
  • Streetview of where Piscina San Samuele meets Calle del Traghetto O Ca’ Garzon
  • looking south down Rio de S. Cassan from Ponte Giovanni Andrea della Croce o de la Malvasia
  • looking south down Rio de S. Cassan from Ponte Giovanni Andrea della Croce o de la Malvasia
  • view of Sotoportego de Siora Bettina from Ponte Giovanni Andrea della Croce o de la Malvasia
  • view of Ponte de la Chiesa from Campo San Cassiano
  • view of buildings alongside Rio de San Cassan from Campo San Cassiano
  • Easternmost corner of Campo San Cassiano
  • view of buildings along Campo San Cassiano
  • detail: roof of building alongside Rio de San Cassan aside Ponte Giovanni Andrea della Croce o de la Malvasia
  • looking west down Calle dei Morti towards Calle Regina
  • view of Calle Corner at intersection with Ramo del Rosa
  • view of Ponte Giovanni Andrea della Croce o de la Malvasia from Ponte de la Chiesa
  • view of Ponte San Boldo and Campo San Boldo from Ponte del Parucheta
  • view north on Rio de San Agostin from Ponte de le Oche
  • view south on Rio de San Agostin from Ponte de le Oche
  • view south on Rio de San Agostin from Ponte de le Oche
  • detail: medieval sculptural relief on building adjacent to Ponte de le Oche
  • detail: medieval sculptural relief on building adjacent to Ponte de le Oche
  • detail: medieval sculptural relief on building adjacent to Ponte de le Oche
  • view of Palazzetto on Rio de S. Giacomo da l'Orio from Sotoportego de las Oche
  • view looking northeast of buildings along Rio de le do Torre adjacent to Ponte Bernardo
  • view of arcades of Sotoportego dei Oresi
  • looking north on Grand Canal from Fondamenta, Rialto Bridge
  • facade of Ca' da Mosto on Campiello del Leon Bianco prior to restoration
  • view down Rio de Santi Apostoli from Campo Santi Apostoli
  • view down Rio de Santi Apostoli from Campo Santi Apostoli
  • view of northern bank of canal from end of Ramo Dragan
  • view of northern bank of canal from end of Ramo Dragan
  • detail: shrine underneath arcade over Fondamenta del Traghetto, on building right of Palazzo Contarini Pisani
  • detail: medieval sculptural detail on building on sourth side of Campo San Felice
  • view looking southeast of buildings along Rio de Santa Fosca from Ponte Vendramin
  • detail: sculptural detail on brick wall surrounding Palazzo Donà Giovannelli
  • view looking northwest of buildings along Fondamenta de Ca' Vendramin, from Rio de Santa Fosca
  • view looking northwest of buildings along Fondamenta de Ca' Vendramin, from Rio de Santa Fosca
  • view of Palazzo Correr from Campo Santa Fosca
  • view of building along Fondamenta de Ca' Vendramin from across Rio de Santa Fosca
  • view of building along Fondamenta de Ca' Vendramin from across Rio de Santa Fosca
  • view south down Salizada Santa Fosca towards Ponte Nicolò Pasqualigo
  • detail: sculptural relief on building, Cannaregio
  • view of Ponte dei Miracoli and buildings along Rio dei Miracoli, West of Campo dei Miracoli
  • view of Ponte dei Miracoli and buildings along Rio dei Miracoli, West of Campo dei Miracoli
  • view of Ponte Santa Maria Nova and buildings along Rio dei Miracoli, North of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
  • view of Ponte Santa Maria Nova and buildings along Rio dei Miracoli, North of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
  • View of the short rio between Rio dei Miracoli and Rio della Panada from Ponte de Volto. Looking toward the back side of Palazzo Soranzo-van Axel-Barozzi