Coutances Cathedral
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Coutances
- Interior: Ambulatory
- Interior: Choir (behind altar)
- Interior: Crossing
- Panorama Tour
- Exterior, western frontispiece, south tower, portal
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, western frontispiece
- Exterior, nave, southern flank and west towers
- Exterior, nave, northern flank and crossing tower
- Exterior, nave, northern flank and crossing tower
- Exterior, nave, southern flank and west towers
- Exterior, nave, southern flank and west towers
- Exterior, nave, southern flank and west towers
- Exterior, nave, southern flank and west towers
- Exterior, south transept facade
- Exterior, chevet, southern flank
- Exterior, chevet, southern flank
- Exterior, chevet from the east
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast and south transept
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast and south transept
- Exterior, chevet, southern flank
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the southeast
- Exterior, chevet from the east
- Interior, nave looking northwest
- Interior, south nave aisle chapels
- Interior, south nave aisle looking east
- Interior, nave looking southeast
- Interior, nave looking east
- Interior, nave and crossing from east chevet triforium level
- Interior, nave and crossing from east chevet triforium level
- Interior, nave and crossing, upper parts looking southwest, from chevet triforium
- Interior, nave, upper parts, looking southeast elevation from north clerestory
- IntInterior, nave, north aisle, upper surface of vault and roof
- Interior, nave, upper parts looking southeast
- Interior, nave, north aisle, upper surface of vault and roof
- Interior, nave, north aisle, outer wall, upper surface of vault and roof
- Interior, nave, upper elevation looking north from south aisle
- Interior, nave arcade looking north from south aisle
- Interior, south nave aisle looking east
- Interior, south nave aisle looking west
- Interior, nave looking northeast into crossing
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking east
- Interior, nave looking northeast into crossing
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking northeast
- Interior, nave looking east
- Interior, nave, main vault, boss
- Interior, nave, north gallery, arcade, spandrel panel
- Interior, nave, south gallery, arcade, spandrel panel
- Interior, nave, southwest crossing pier, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, entrance to western frontispiece, shaft base
- Interior, nave, north aisle, entrance to western frontispiece, shaft capital
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, roof space above vaults, north wall, relieving arch corbel
- Interior, nave, south gallery, arcade, shaft capital
- Interior, nave, south arcade, cornice detail
- Interior, nave, south arcade, shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south arcade, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south arcade, main vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north arcade, main vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north clerestory, balustrade detail
- Interior, nave, north gallery, cornice detail
- Interior, nave, north gallery, arcade, spandrel panel
- Interior, nave, north gallery, arcade, shaft capital
- Interior, nave, north gallery, balustrade detail
- Interior, nave, north arcade, cornice detail
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north aisle, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, south arcade, shaft bases
- Interior, nave, south arcade, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north arcade, shaft bases
- Interior, nave, north arcade, shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, north aisle, upper surface of vault and roof
- Interior, south transept stained glass window
- Interior, south transept facade
- Interior, north transept facade
- Interior, south transept and crossing space from north chevet triforium level
- Interior, lantern towner, upper windows and vault
- Interior, nave from crossing lantern towner
- Interior, crossing lantern tower gallery
- Interior, chevet from crossing lantern tower
- Interior, south crossing and choir from north transept triforium
- Interior, south transept and crossing from north nave triforium
- Interior, south transept, lantern tower and nave
- Interior, south transept and lantern tower
- Interior, lantern tower gallery
- Interior, lantern tower gallery
- Interior, lantern tower gallery
- Interior, lantern tower, upper windows and vault
- Interior, lantern tower looking into transept
- Interior, lantern tower, upper windows and vault
- Interior, lantern tower gallery
- Interior, lantern tower looking into transept
- Interior, lantern tower gallery
- Interior, crossing, south transept and chevet looking southeast
- Interior, crossing lantern
- Interior, crossing lantern and nave vaults
- Interior, crossing lantern
- Interior, crossing lantern
- Interior, north transept facade
- Interior, crossing and north transept
- Interior, crossing space looking northeast
- Interior, crossing space looking northeast
- Interior, south transept, south arcade, cornice detail
- Interior, south transept, south arcade, shaft capitals
- Interior, south transept, south arcade, shaft capitals
- Interior, south transept, south arcade, shaft capitals
- Interior, south transept, southeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft bases
- Interior, south transept, southeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, north transept, northeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft bases
- Interior, north transept, northeast crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, north transept, east clerestory, window, shaft capital
- Interior, north transept, east wall, corbel
- Interior, north transept, east gallery, arcade, spandrel panel
- Interior, north transept, northeast corner, vaulting shaft capitals
- Interior, nave, southwest crossing pier, vaulting shaft corbel
- Interior, north transept, west clerestory, window, shaft bases
- Interior, north transept, west clerestory, window, shaft capital
- Interior, north transept, crossing pier, transverse arch, shaft capitals
- Interior, crossing tower, vaulting shaft capital
- Interior, crossing tower, lower passage, balustrade detail
- Interior, crossing tower, lower passage, balustrade detail