Exterior, western frontispiece, north nave elevation looking southeast
Exterior, north nave elevation looking southeast
Interior: crossing
Interior: chevet ambulatory
Interior: chevet
Interior: nave, gisants (sepulchral sculptures)
Interior: nave
Interior: chapter house
Exterior: cloister
Interior: kitchen
Panorama Tour
Exterior, western frontispiece looking southeast
Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south frieze
Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, south jamb, shaft capital
Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, north jamb, detail
Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, detail
Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, detail
Exterior, western frontispiece, center portal, north frieze
Exterior, western frontispiece
Exterior, north nave elevation and north transept
Exterior, northwest elevation
Exterior, cloister and north nave elevation
Exterior, south nave elevation and cloister
Exterior, nave, north aisle portal, sculptural fragment
Exterior, nave, north aisle portal, sculptural fragment
Exterior, nave, north aisle portal, shaft capitals
Exterior, nave, north aisle portal, shaft capitals
Exterior, nave, north aisle portal, shaft capitals
Exterior, nave, north aisle portal, shaft capitals
Exterior, south nave elevation, crossing tower, cloister looking northeast
Exterior, north transept, west porch, portal, trumeau, detail
Exterior, northeast chevet elevation
Exterior, northeast chevet elevation
Exterior, east chevet elevation
Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
Exterior, southeast chevet elevation
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine)
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Isabelle of Aquitaine and Richard Lionheart)
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II)
Interior, nave domes
Interior, nave elevation looking west
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine)
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Richard Lionheart and Isabelle of Aquitaine)
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II)
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Isabelle of Aquitaine and Richard Lionheart)
Interior, north nave elevation looking west
Interior, north nave elevation looking east
Interior, north nave elevation looking east
Interior, north nave elevation looking east
Interior, north nave elevation looking east
Interior, nave elevation looking east
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft frieze
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft frieze
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft frieze
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft frieze
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, south arcade, vaulting shaft bases
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, north arcade, vaulting shaft bases
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, south clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, north clerestory, vaulting shaft capitals
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Isabelle), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Isabelle), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Richard), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Richard), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Eleanor), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Eleanor), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Henry II), detail
Interior, nave, tomb sculpture (Henry II), detail
Interior, nave looking southeast
Interior, nave looking southeast
Interior, nave looking southeast
Interior, south nave elevation
Interior, nave looking southeast
Interior, nave, tombs of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine
Interior, crossing looking southwest into nave
Interior, ceiling, vault, arch
Interior, nave looking west
Interior, tomb of Henri II and tomb of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Interior, nave vault
Interior, nave looking west
Interior, tomb of Richard the Lion Heart and tomb of Isabelle of Castille
Interior, tomb of Henri II and tomb of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Interior, north transept and crossing from south transept
Interior, north transept from crossing
Interior, north nave elevation looking east
Interior, crossing, northwest crossing pier, wall painting
Interior, crossing, northwest crossing pier, wall painting
Interior, crossing, southwest crossing pier, vaulting shaft capital
Interior, crossing, northwest crossing pier, vaulting shaft capital
Interior, north transept, looking northeast from crossing
Interior, ambulatory aisle looking west into chevet
Interior, ambulatory aisle vaults
Interior, ambulatory aisle looking west into chevet
Interior, ambulatory aisle looking west into chevet
Interior, ambulatory aisle looking northwest
Interior, ambulatory aisle looking north
Interior, ambulatory aisle looking north
Interior, chevet elevation looking northeast
Interior, chevet, hemicycle, triforium, arcade, shaft capital
Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier base
Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier capital
Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier base
Interior, chevet, hemicycle, arcade, pier capital
Interior, chevet looking east
Interior, chevet looking east
Interior, chevet looking southeast
Interior, chevet looking southeast
Interior, chevet, north ambulatory looking southeast
Interior, chevet, north ambulatory looking southwest
Interior, chevet, east ambulatory looking west
Interior, chevet, south ambulatory, radiating chapel, looking southwest
Interior, north chevet elevation
Interior, chevet elevation
Interior, kitchen, chimney
Interior, kitchen
Interior, kitchen, chimney
Interior, kitchen
Interior, kitchen, chimney
Exterior, kitchen
Exterior, kitchen
Exterior, kitchen
Exterior, chapter house
Interior, cloister, arcade
Interior, chapter house
Exterior, kitchen
Exterior, kitchen
Interior, kitchen
Exterior, kitchen
Interior, kitchen vault
Interior, kitchen vault
Interior, cloister
Exterior, cloister and south nave elevation
Exterior, cloister and south nave elevation
Exterior, cloister and south nave elevation
Interior, cloister
Interior, cloister