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Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: west elevation
Detail: south side
Detail: south side
Detail:north of cleft
Detail: cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
North side
Detail: south of cleft
Southeast elevation
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: north of cleft, upper section
Detail: north of cleft, middle section
Detail: north of cleft, lower section
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft, upper portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
East elevation
South of cleft
Detail: south of cleft, upper portion
Detail: south of cleft, middle portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
Detail: south of cleft, lower portion
South of cleft, lower portion
South of cleft, upper portion
South of cleft, lower portion
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: lower south side
South elevation
North elevation
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: south of cleft
Detail: north of cleft
Interior: ceiling
Interior: east verandah
Exterior: east elevation
Interior: ceiling
Exterior: east elevation
Interior: west wall
Interior: west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail , south wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, north wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Interior: detail, west wall
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: detail, west side, kapota
Exterior: detail, west side, kapota
Exterior: west elevation
Interior: north wall
Interior: south wall
Interior: east wall, north side
Interior: east wall, south side
Interior: ceiling
Interior: ceiling
Interior: ceiling
Interior: shrine, east wall
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: detail
Exterior: east elevation
Interior: north wall
Interior: shrine, west wall
Interior: south wall
Interior: southwest view
Interior: southwest view
Interior: north wall
Interior: south wall
Interior: ceiing, south side
Interior: shrine, west wall, south side
Interior: ceiling
West view
Exterior: west elevation
Exteior: west elevation
Detail: upper portion
Detail: lower portion
Southeast view
East view
Northeast view
Northeast view
Exterior: southwest elevation, north ratha
Exterior: south elevation, south ratha
South view
Exterior: southeast elevation
Southeast view of north ratha
Northwest view, north ratha
Southeast view
Exterior: Southwest elevation
Detail: south wall
Exterior: south wall
Exterior: southeast elevation
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: south elevation
Exterior: southwest view
Southwest view
Northeast view
East side, north pilaster
Interior: northeast view
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: east elevation
Interior: northeast view
Interior: southeast view
Interior: east view
Exterior: southeast elevation, south ratha
Exterior: east elevation, south ratha
East view
Exterior: northeast elevation
Exterior: east eleation
North view
Exterior: southeast elevation, south ratha
Exterior: southeast elevation, north ratha
Southeast view
Exterior: southeast view, south ratha
Exterior: southeast view, south ratha
Exterior: northeast view, north ratha
Northeast view
Northeast view
Northeast view
East elevation
East elevation
East elevatoin: north side
Exterior: detail: north porch colum
Exterior: detail
East elevation: south side
Detail: east elevation north side
Detail: east elevation, south side
Southeast view
Detail: east elevation, south side of cave
Detail: east elevation, north side of cave
Detail: east elevation, south side
Detail: east elevation, south side
Detail: east elevation, north side of cave
Detail: east elevation
East elevation
East elevation
East view
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: verandah, south side
Interior: north side
Interior: south side
Exterior: east elevation
Exterior: verandah, north side
Interior: west wall
Exterior: verandah, west wall
Exterior: verandah, west wall
Exterior: East elevation
Interior: verandah ceiling, north side
Interior: verandah ceiling, south side