Imperial Roman
- Exterior: View of Temple of Hercules, Facing East
- Detail: Column Capitals and Architrave Fragment from Temple of Hercules
- Exterior: View of Temple of Hercules, Facing Southwest
- Exterior: View of Temple of Hercules, Facing Southeast
- Exterior: View of Temple of Hercules Along North Flank Facing Southeast
- Exterior: View of Temple of Hercules from Western End, Facing East
- Exterior: View of Eastern Facade of Temple of Hercules, Facing Northeast from Interior Area
- Exterior: Southern Elevation of Temple of Hercules
- Exterior: Southern Elevation of Temple of Hercules
- Exterior: Southeastern Corner of Temple of Hercules
- Exterior: Southeastern Corner of Temple of Hercules
- Exterior: View of Temple of Hercules, Eastern End, Facing Northwest
- Exterior: Temple of Hercules viewed from Darat Al Funun
- Exterior: North East Corner
- Exterior: South East Corner
- Interior: South West Corner
- Hadrian's Arch, Southern Facade
- View of Hippodrome from Hadrian's Arch, Facing Northeast
- Arch of Hadrian, Western Passage
- Arch of Hadrian, Southern Facade, Western End
- Arch of Hadrian, Southern Facade, Central Arch
- Arch of Hadrian, Northern Facade
- Arch of Hadrian, Northern Facade, Western End
- Inscription Fragments, Arch of Hadrian
- Inscription Fragments, Arch of Hadrian
- Inscription Fragments, Arch of Hadrian
- Sculptural Fragments North of Arch of Hadrian
- Sculptural Fragments North of Arch of Hadrian
- Southern Necropolis, Steps to Tomb
- Hippodrome, Eastern Facade, Niche
- Hippodrome, Eastern Portal
- Hippodrome, Facing Southeast
- Hippodrome, Facing South
- Niche on Northern End of Hippodrome
- South Gate, Southern Facade
- South Gate, Southern Facade, Western End
- South Gate, Southern Facade
- South Gate, Southern Facade, Central Arch
- South Entrance, Western Souk on Right and Military Barrack Wall on Left
- Oval Plaza, Facing East
- Oval Plaza, Facing North
- Oval Plaza, Facing Northeast
- Distant View of Temple of Zeus and Southern Theater
- Central Column in Oval Plaza, Facing North
- Central Column in Oval Plaza, Facing Northeast
- View of Oval Plaza, Facing Northeast
- Naos of Zeus, Facing Southeast
- Distant View of Temple of Zeus and Southern Theater Facing Southwest
- Northwestern Facade of Temple of Zeus
- Sculptural Fragments Northeast of Temple of Zeus
- Eastern Facade of South Theater
- Western Corner of the Temple of Zeus
- Temple of Zeus, Northern Corner
- Wall Southwest of Temple of Zeus
- Southwestern Facade of Temple of Zeus
- Temple of Zeus, Southern Corner
- Temple of Zeus, Southern Corner
- Temple of Zeus, Southern Corner
- Temple of Zeus, Southeastern Facade
- Temple of Zeus, View Down Colonnade on Southwestern Side of the Temple
- Temple of Zeus, View Facing Southwest inside Temple
- Distant View of Oval Plaza and Cardo Maximus, Facing Northwest
- Distant View of Oval Plaza, Facing Northwest
- Temple of Zeus, View South Inside Temple
- Temple of Zeus, Niche and Pilaster on Eastern Corner
- Temple of Zeus, Northeastern Facade Facing North
- South Theater, Plaques
- South Theater, Stage and Scaenae Frons Facing Northwest
- South Theater, Western Corner of Stage, Scaenae Frons
- South Theater, Facing Southeast
- South Theater, Inscription at Base of Seating West of Stage
- South Theater, Western Seating
- South Theater, Proscenium and Scaenae Frons
- View of Oval Plaza and Cardo, Facing East
- View of Temple of Artemis, Facing Northeast
- View of Columns around Temple of Artemis Site, Facing Southeast
- Temple of Artemis, Southwestern Facade
- Temple of Artemis, Southeastern Facade
- Temple of Artemis, Southeastern Facade
- Temple of Artemis, Southeastern Facade
- Temple of Artemis, Interior, Facing Northwest
- Temple of Artemis, Southeastern Inner Facade, Niche Detail
- Temple of Artemis, Distant View of Southeastern Facade
- North Theater, Exterior of Upper Seating Area, Southern Facade, Facing Northeast
- North Theater, Exterior of Upper Seating Area, Southern Facade, Facing Northeast
- North Theater, Southeastern Facade
- North Theater, View Through Eastern Portal
- North Theater, Proscenium and Scaenae Frons
- North Theater, Relief Detail on Western End of Seating Area
- North Theater, Relief Detail on Eastern End of Seating Area
- North Theater, Facing Southeast
- North Theater, Facing Southwest
- View From Northern End of North Theater, Facing Northwest
- View of Civic Complex, Facing East from North Theater
- View From Northern End of North Theater, Facing Northwest
- North Theater, View Through Central Stage Portal
- North Tetrapylon, West Face, Viewed from North Decumanus
- View of North Theater and North Decumanus Facing West
- View of North Tetrapylon, Western Facade, Facing East
- North Gate, South Facade
- Cardo Maximus, Northern End, Facing Southwest
- View Down Cardo Maximus, Facing Southwest
- View North Up Cardo Maximus, Facing North
- View of West Baths, Facing Southeast
- North Tetrapylon, Facing West
- North Tetrapylon, Southern Facade, Facing North
- North Tetrapylon, Southern Facade, Facing North
- Propylaeum of Artemis, Facing Northwest up Stairway
- Facade, Propylaeum of Artemis, Facing Northeast Across Cardo Maximus
- Exterior: South Side of Tetrapylon
- Interior: Tetrapylon
- Exterior: Civic Complex and Northern Façade of North Theater
- Exterior: Orchestra
- Exterior: Cardo Maximus near Western Baths
- Exterior: On Stairs up to Temple of Artemis
- Exterior: Plaza near Temple, Eastern Elevation of Temple
- Exterior: Southeastern Corner of Temple of Artemis Complex, overlooking the Church of Saint Theodore
- Exterior: Base of Steps at Cardo Maximus
- Exterior: Nymphaeum viewed from Cardo Maximus
- Exterior
- Exterior: Center of Oval Forum
- Exterior: East Wall of Hippodrome
- Detail: Artist's Signature
- Exterior: Facing West Along Roman Road
- Exterior: Column Fragment on North Side of the Road
- Exterior: Column Fragment on Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
- Exterior: Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
- Exterior: Column Frgment Along Roman Road
- Exterior: Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
- Exterior: Southern Wall of Church of the Virgin/Hippolytus Hall Complex
- Exterior: Facing Southwest
- Exterior: Facing Southeast
- Exterior: Facing East
- Exterior: Facing East
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing Southeast
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing Southeast
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing Southwest
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragments
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Detail: Sculptural Fragments
- Detail: Sculptural Fragments
- Detail: Sculptural Fragments
- Detail: Sculptural Fragments
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing South
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing South
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing Southwest
- Exterior: Column fragments from Nymphaeum, Northern Side of Site
- Exterior: Column fragments from Nymphaeum, Northern Side of Site
- Exterior: Sculptural Fragments in Center of Northern Side of Site
- Exterior: Remains of Semicircular Chamber, Eastern Corner of Site
- Exterior: Remains of Semicircular Chamber, Eastern Corner of Site
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing East
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing East
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing East
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing Southwest
- Exterior: Nymphaeum Site, Northern Elevation, Facing East
- Exterior: Northern Elevation of Extant Nymphaeum Site, Southwestern End
- Interior: Lower Corridor
- Interior: Lower Corridor
- Exterior: View from Southern Area of Site, facing West
- Exterior: View of Nymphaeum, Southern Elevation, Lower Level Corridor, Facing North
- Exterior: View of Nymphaeum, Facing North from Southern Area of Site
- Exterior: View of Nymphaeum, Facing North from Southern Area of Site
- Exterior: View of Nymphaeum, Facing Northeast from Southern Area of Site
- Exterior: Southern Area of Site, Lower Corridor, Facing Northwest
- Exterior: Eastern Corner of Site, Southern Facade
- Exterior: Eastern Corner of Site, Southern Facade
- Exterior: Eastern Corner of Site, Southern Facade
- Exterior, Central Southern Area of Nymphaeum Site, Southern Facade, Facing West
- Detail: Sculptural Fragment in Southern Area of Site