M. Jordan Love
- Exterior, southeast tower window
- Exterior, ambulatory, radiating chapel
- Exterior, ambulatory stringcourse
- Exterior, ambulatory capital
- Exterior, ambulatory base
- Exterior, ambulatory capital and window cornice
- Exterior, ambulatory stringcourse
- Exterior, ambulatory capital
- Exterior, north transept capital
- Exterior, north transept capital
- Exterior, western frontispiece, archivolt and tympanum
- Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal, south jam figures
- Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal, north jam figures
- Interior, south nave aisle capital and corbel
- Interior, tomb niche in south nave aisle
- Interior, south nave aisle base
- Interior, west nave vault boss
- Interior, east nave vault boss
- Interior, north choir capital
- Interior, south choir capital
- Interior, south nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier base
- Interior, north nave aisle base
- Interior, north nave pier base
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal tympanum detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal tympanum detail
- Exterior, western frontispiece, central portal tympanum
- Exterior, south portal tympanum
- Exterior, south portal tympanum
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, choir vault, east bay, boss
- Interior, choir vault, center bay, boss
- Interior, choir vault, west bay, boss
- Interior, south transept vault, south bay, boss
- Interior, south transept vault, north bay, boss
- Interior, north transept vault, south bay, boss
- Interior, crossing vault, boss
- Interior, nave vault, east bay, boss
- Interior, nave vault, west bay, boss
- Interior, north transept vault, north bay, boss
- Interior, tomb in north transept
- Interior, tomb in north transept
- Interior, original floor tiles, installed in south nave aisle wall
- Interior, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, north transept pier capital
- Interior, northwest crossing pier base
- Exterior, north chevet, window molding
- Exterior, crossing tower
- Exterior, crossing tower corbel
- Interior, southeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, south nave pier base
- Interior, west facade capital
- Interior, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, east end rose window
- Interior, north transept aisle dado capital
- Interior, south choir pier base
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, north choir gallery capital
- Interior, stringcourse in north choir
- Interior, stringcourse in north choir
- Interior, west side of crossing tower, corbel and stringcourse
- Interior, south choir aisle base
- Interior, south choir pier capital
- Interior, chevet, southern aisle, ribbed vault
- Interior, south transept, dado
- Interior, east side of crossing tower, corbel and stringcourse
- Interior, north side of crossing tower, corbel and stringcourse
- Interior, southeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, chevet, southern aisle looking east
- Interior, nave pier base in south arcade
- Interior, nave, south aisle, respond base
- Interior, nave, pier capital in north arcade
- Interior, nave, pier base in north arcade
- Interior, nave, pier base in north arcade
- Interior, sculpture in gallery of south transept
- Interior, south choir gallery capital
- Interior, sculpture in south choir gallery
- Interior, sculpture fragments in south choir gallery
- Interior, sculpture fragments in south choir gallery
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of south transept
- Interior, sculpture fragment in gallery of north tower of western frontispiece
- Interior, south choir triforium capital
- Interior, north choir gallery capital
- Interior, north choir gallery capital
- Interior, north choir gallery capital
- Interior, north choir gallery capital
- Interior, north choir gallery base
- Interior, north choir gallery capital
- Interior, north transept gallery capital, east side
- Interior, north transept gallery capital, east side
- Interior, north transept gallery capital, east side
- Interior, north transept gallery capital, east side
- Exterior, north choir gallery capital [third bay to the east]
- Exterior, north choir gallery capital [third bay to the east]
- Exterior, north choir gallery capital [second bay to the east]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery window capital [first bay from crossing]
- Exterior, upper transept, north side, gallery window capital [first bay from crossing]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery window capital [first bay from crossing]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery window capital [second bay to the east]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery cornice [third buttress (west to east)]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery cornice [fourth buttress (west to east)]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery cornice buttress [second buttress (west to east)]
- Exterior, upper chevet, north side, gallery cornice [first buttress (west to east)]
- Interior, capital in north transept gallery chapel
- Interior, capital in north transept gallery
- Interior, base in west aisle of north transept gallery
- Interior, capital in west tower of north transept, gallery level
- Interior, north transept, gallery level, collision between 12th and 14th-c. work
- Interior, south side of crossing tower, corbel and stringcourse
- Interior, north transept, gallery level. collision between 12th and 14th-c. work
- Interior, south nave corbel detail
- Interior, choir vault boss, west bay
- Interior, choir vault boss, east bay
- Interior, south choir corbel
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, north choir shaft capital
- Interior, northeast crossing pier capital
- Interior, south transept corbel
- Interior, south nave shaft capital
- Interior, north nave shaft capital
- Interior, south nave aisle shafts
- Interior, south nave aisle capital
- Interior, north nave shaft capital
- Interior, tomb in the west end
- Interior, tomb in the west end
- Exterior, western frontispice, north inner buttress
- Exterior, western frontispiece, cental portal capitals
- Exterior, western frontispiece, cental portal capitals
- Interior, north nave stringcourse
- Interior, north nave shaft capital
- Interior, south nave pier base
- Ruin of interior, southwest crossing pier
- Interior, capital fragment in north nave aisle
- Interior, south transept aisle capital
- Ruin of crossing vault boss
- Interior, southwest crossing pier base
- Interior, north nave pier base
- Interior, south nave aisle capital
- Interior, western frontispice interior facade capitals
- Interior, capital fragment in north nave aisle
- Interior, capital fragment in north nave aisle
- Interior, south nave aisle base
- Interior, southeast, outer ambulatory base
- Interior, southeast, outer ambulatory capital
- Interior, south, outer ambulatory capital
- Interior, north nave aisle capital
- Interior, north nave aisle mouldings
- Interior, east nave vault boss
- Interior, west choir vault boss
- Interior, south nave aisle pier capital
- Interior, southwest crossing pier
- Interior, south nave aisle pier base
- Interior, southwest crossing pier base
- Interior, south choir aisle pier capital
- Interior, south choir pier capital
- Interior, northeast crossing pier base
- Interior, center choir vault boss
- Interior, west choir vault boss
- Interior, east choir vault boss
- Interior, north choir aisle pier base
- Interior, dado in radiating chapel
- Interior, dado in radiating chapel
- Interior, outer ambulatory capital
- Interior, north transept pier stringcourse
- Interior, north nave pier capital
- Interior, northwest crossing pier capital
- Interior, inner north nave aisle
- Interior, south nave aisle pier capital
- Exterior, Abbey grounds east of the church
- Exterior, north nave cornice