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Igel Column
North facade, center detail: Ascension of Hercules
Igel Column
North facade, center detail: Zodiac
Igel Column
North facade, center detail: Zodiac and Hercules
Igel Column
North facade, lower left detail: wind god
Igel Column
North facade, upper detail: Athena
Igel Column
North facade, left detail: Zodiac and wind god
Igel Column
North facade, lower left detail: wind god
Igel Column
North facade, base detail: maritime scene
Igel Column
North facade, center detail: Hercules's chariot
Igel Column
West facade, frieze detail: men bearing donations
Igel Column
Northwest view of pinnacle
Igel Column
Northwest view of pinnacle
Igel Column
Northwest view of pinnacle
Igel Column
West facade detail: mules
Igel Column
South facade, gable detail: Hylas and the nymphs
Igel Column
South facade, pinnacle detail
Igel Column
South facade, attic detail: textile sampling
Igel Column
South facade, attic detail: textile sampling
Igel Column
South facade, platform detail: textile sale
Igel Column
South facade, frieze detail: dining scene and food preparation
Igel Column
South facade, frieze detail: food and drink preparation
Igel Column
South facade, frieze detail: dining scene
Igel Column
South facade, frieze detail: food and drink preparation
Igel Column
South facade, pinnacle detail
Igel Column
South facade, impost detail
Igel Column
South facade, frieze detail: food and drink preparation
Igel Column
South facade, frieze detail: dining scene and food preparation
Igel Column
South facade: Secundini family
Igel Column
Group and south facade
Igel Column
Hotel Igler Säule and Igel Column
Igel Column
Hotel Igler Säule and Igel Column
Igel Column
Hotel Igler Säule and Igel Column
Igel Column
Hotel Igler Säule and Igel Column
Igel Column
Hotel Igler Säule and Igel Column
Igel Column
Northern Face
Igel Column
Northern Face
Igel Column
Eastern Face
Igel Column
Exterior: South Face
Igel Column
Exterior: Southwest Face
North Side
North Side
Stolperstein for Irma and Hermann Voos
Southeastern Side
Southern Side
Fountain facing East from Rheinstraße
Jupiter Column
Base, original in the Landesmuseum Mainz
Altar to Victoria
Offerings for the Gods
Finds from Garbage
Pottery and Bone Finds from Garbage
Offerings for the Gods
Offerings for the Gods
Offerings for the Gods
Altar to Victoria
Altar to Victoria
Altar to Victoria
Column with Jupter and Giant Rider
Column with Jupter and Giant Rider
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Family Tombstone from Nickenich
Family Tombstone from Nickenich
Family Tombstone from Nickenich
Family Tombstone from Nickenich
Family Tombstone from Nickenich
Pfalzfelder Column
Pfalzfelder Column
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Zodiac Relief from Brauweiler
Altar for Hercules Magusanus
Altar for Mercury Gebrinius
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Votive Relief of the Matronae
Local Deities
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Mithras Killing the Sacred Bull
Mithras Killing the Sacred Bull
Mithras Killing the Sacred Bull
Sacrifical Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Matronae Altar
Altar for the Capitoline Triad
Altar for the Capitoline Triad
Altar for the Capitoline Triad
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Column
Jupiter Pillar
Jupiter Pillar
Jupiter Pillar
Jupiter Pillar
Jupiter Pillar
Stone with Four Deities
Stone with Four Deities
Stone with Four Deities
Stone with Four Deities
Stone with Four Deities
Mithras Altar
Mithras Altar
Mithras Altar
Mithras Altar
Mithras Altar
Gravestone of Desideratus
Gravestone of Mauricius
Gravestone of Ursicinus
Jupiter Statue
Jupiter Statue
Jupiter Statue
Jupiter Statue
Minerva Statue
Minerva Statue
Minerva Statue
Jupter Ammon
Jupter Ammon
Jupter Ammon
Jupter Ammon
Portrait Bust of Emperor Septimius Severus
Portrait Bust of Emperor Septimius Severus
Portrait Bust of Emperor Septimius Severus
Portrait Bust of Emperor Septimius Severus
Portrait Bust of Emperor Septimius Severus
Fragment of a Base-Inscription
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Pintaius
Gravestone of Pintaius
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Caelius
Gravestone of Auxiliary Soldier Firmus
Gravestone of Auxiliary Soldier Firmus
Gravestone of Auxiliary Soldier Firmus
Gravestone of Auxiliary Soldier Firmus
Gravestone of Auxiliary Soldier Firmus
Gravestone of Auxiliary Soldier Firmus
Gravestone of Legionnaire Quintus Petilius Secundus
Gravestone of Legionnaire Quintus Petilius Secundus
Building Ornament
Iphigenia and Oedipus
Merchant Tomb Monument
Hemmoor Bucket
Hemmoor Bucket
Building Inscription for a Cult Theater
Building Inscription for a Cult Theater
Fragment of a Gable
Grave Monument
Grave Monument
Grave Pillar of Avitus
Grave Pillar of Avitus
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