Conlon, James
detail: painting, Andito del Maggior Consiglio
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Guariento Room
Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: painting, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: Paradise, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: Paradise by Jacopo e Domenico Tintoretto, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: Paradise, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: corner, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: painting, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
Arriving in Venice, Emperor Frederick pays public homage to Pope Alexander III by Federico Zuccari
Arriving in Venice, Emperor Frederick pays public homage to Pope Alexander III by Federico Zuccari
detail: painting, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: painting, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
view of Scala dei Giganti, courtyard
view of north wing, courtyard
view of Grand Canal, looking northwest from near Accademia Bridge, with Ca' Rezzonico at center
view of Palazzi Contarini degli Scrigni and Contarini Corfu from across the Grand Canal
view of Palazzi Contarini degli Scrigni and Contarini Corfu from across the Grand Canal, with Palazzo Loredan dell' Ambasciatore in foreground
view of Grand Canal, looking south with Ca' Rezzonico at center
buildings along the Grand Canal, near the Palazzo Moro-Lin
view looking northeast along the Grand Canal, with the Palazzi Mocenigo at center
view of Ca' Foscari and the Palazzo Balbi flanking the Rio Nuovo from the Grand Canal
view looking southwest along the Grand Canal, with the Ca' Foscari and the Palazzo Giustinian at center
view looking southwest along the Grand Canal, with the Ca' Rezzonico at center
general view of Grand Canal
general view of Grand Canal
general view of Grand Canal
view of sidewalk along the Grand Canal
view of sidewalk along the Grand Canal
view of street near Grand Canal
large square along the Grand Canal
general view of buildings along the Grand Canal
shrine along Grand Canal
shops near Grand Canal
shops near Grand Canal
market near Grand Canal
market near Grand Canal
detail: sculptural relief along Grand
general view of Grand Canal, taken across from Palazzo Loredan
view of Palazzo Loredan from across Grand Canal
passageway along Grand Canal
view looking southeast along Grand Canal
view of Ca' Rezzonico, facade on Grand Canal
view across Grand Canal from near Palazzo Moro-Lin, including half of Palazzo Giustinian on right
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of small palazzo next to Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of Grand Canal from Palazzo Grassi
view of Palazzo Balbi from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Giustinian and the Ca' Foscari from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Balbi from across the Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Giustinian and the Ca' Foscari from across the Grand Canal
detail: shrine along the Grand Canal
street view near Grand Canal
detail: door, street view near Grand Canal
buildings near the Palazzo Balbi along the Grand Canal
buildings along the Grand Canal, northeast of the San Toma Vaporetto landing-stage
detail: sottoportico, along Grand Canal
detail: sottoportico, along Grand Canal
small canal near Grand Canal
small canal near Grand Canal
buildings on a small square (campiello) near Grand Canal
buildings on a small square (campiello) near Grand Canal
view of the Palazzo Bernardo and neighboring buildings from across the Grand Canal
small canal near Grand Canal
small canal near Grand Canal
view from Grand Canal
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Ca’ Pesaro
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Ca’ Pesaro
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Chiesa di San Stae
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Palazzo Duodo
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Palazzo Duodo
view of buildings on north side of Grand Canal from Palazzo Duodo
main reading room
Sculpture of Francesco Petrarca by Carlo Lorenzetti in the Main Reading Room, ca. 1904-1905
main reading room
main reading room
main reading room
Dome of Poetics over Entrance Staircase (stuccoes by Alessandro Vittoria)
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: entrance staircase
Fra Mauro Map
Fra Mauro's Map
Fra Mauro's Map
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
interior view
Painting of Wisdom or History by Titian, c. 1560, on ceiling of vestibule
Painting of Wisdom or History by Titian, c. 1560, on ceiling of vestibule
Painting of Wisdom or History by Titian, c. 1560, on ceiling of vestibule
detail: ceiling, vestibule in Biblioteca Marciana
detail: ceiling, vestibule in Biblioteca Marciana
detail: ceiling, vestibule in Biblioteca Marciana
detail: ceiling, vestibule in Biblioteca Marciana
Great Hall (Salone)
detail: ceiling, Great Hall (Salone)
detail: painting, Great Hall (Salone)
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
detail: painting, Great Hall (Salone)
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Painting of Diogenes by Tintoretto in the Great Hall
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
detail: end wall and entrance vestibule of Great Hall (Salone)
Detail of Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Detail of Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Great Hall (Salone)
Ceiling Medallion by Battista Franco in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Battista Franco in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Giovanni de Mio in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Giovanni de Mio in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Giuseppe Salviati in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Giuseppe Salviati in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Giulio Licinio in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Giambattista Zelotti in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Alessandro Varotari in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Andrea Schiavone in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Andrea Schiavone in Great Hall
detail: ceiling, Great Hall (Salone)
Ceiling Medallion by Bernardo Strozzi in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion by Bernardo Strozzi in Great Hall
main facade
canal near Madonna dell’Orto
main facade, central portal featuring sculpture of St. Christopher
canal near Madonna dell’Orto
main facade, Twelve Apostles in niches
main facade, tower with Twelve Apostles in niches
main facade, lateral frieze with statues of Apostles and bell tower
main facade, lateral frieze with statues of Apostles and bell tower
main facade, Twelve Apostles in niches
main facade
main facade, central portal with sculpture of St. Christopher
main facade, central portal with sculpture of St. Christopher
detail: main facade, Apostle by Tuscan sculptor(s)
buildings near Madonna dell’Orto
buildings near Madonna dell’Orto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement of Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Apse Chapel with St. Jerome and St. Augustine by Girolamo da Santacroce and Tintoretto's Tomb
St. Jerome and St. Augustine by Girolamo da Santacroce
St. Jerome and St. Augustine by Girolamo da Santacroce
St. Jerome and St. Augustine by Girolamo da Santacroce
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Daniel van den Dyck
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Daniel van den Dyck
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Daniel van den Dyck
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Daniel van den Dyck
view of nave
View of Monument to Gerolamo Cavazza by Giuseppe Sardi from across the nave
Monument to Gerolamo Cavazza by Giuseppe Sardi
Monument to Gerolamo Cavazza by Giuseppe Sardi
statue of Virgin
Contarini Chapel
Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel