main facade
view across Bacino San Marco towards San Giorgio Maggiore from Riva degli Schiavoni
detail: building facade along Riva degli Schiavoni, between Rio de la Pleta and Rio de la Ca' en Duo
detail: embellished door along Riva Ca' di Dio, between Rio de la Ca' en Duo and Rio dell'Arsenale
detail: ram's head figurehead on Northern side of Ponte San Biasio along Fondamenta Arsenale
detail of arch entrance; Lion of St. Mark and Justice
Lion of St. Mark
Santa Giustina
view of Ponte San Biasio delle Catene looking South from Fondamenta Arsenale
view across aisle, facing main altar
view of apse and Baptism of Christ
Detail of Baptism of Christ in the Apse
detail: rib vault
detail: apse rib vault with stucco embellishment
view of apse with painting “Baptism of Christ”
view of side chapel
detail: painting in side chapel
detail: painting in side chapel
detail: ceiling in side chapel
view of wooden ceiling over nave
view of wooden ceiling over nave
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
detail: fresco on entrance to apse
view of apse and main altar
view of main altar
view of main altar
view of side altar with Bellini altarpiece
detail: painting, side altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: painting above altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: ceiling painting above altar
detail: painting on left side of altar
detail: painting on left side of altar
detail: painting on right side of altar
detail: pulpit
detail: organ shutters above entrance
detail: side altar
detail: side altar
detail: side altar
detail: painting, side altar
detail: painting, side altar
detail: pulpit
view of main altar
view towards side aisle from altar
detail: fresco of St. Matthew on pendentive
main facade
main facade
view of side entrance
detail: sculpture of St. George in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: column capitals, main facade
detail: emblem, main facade
detail: late 16th c. bust of Doge Tribuno Memmo in niche, main facade
detail: late 16th c. bust of Doge Tribuno Memmo in niche, main facade
main facade
main facade
view down nave towards entrance
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: painting of St. George
view down nave towards altar
view of altar and organ
detail: columns, sculpture right of entrance
detail: columns, sculpture left of entrance
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
side altar with painting by Leandro Bassano
side altar with painting by Leandro Bassano
side altar
side altar
detail: sculpture in niche, interior
detail: sculpture in niche, interior
detail: side altar
detail: sculpture of St. Maurus in niche and column, interior
detail: sculpture of St. Maurus in niche, interior
detail: side altar, bust and dedication
detail: side altar, bust and dedication
detail: side altar with Madonna
detail: statue of Madonna
detail: view of nave towards entrance
detail: view of nave towards entrance
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
detail: side altar with painting
detail: painting in side altar
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
side altar
side altar
detail: view across aisle
detail: view into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting
side altar
detail: sculpture on interior pediment of altar surrounding Martyrdom of St. Stephen
detail: sculpture on interior pediment of altar surrounding Martyrdom of St. Stephen
view across aisle into side chapel
view across aisle into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting “Risen Christ and Saint Andrew with Morosini Family”
side altar
detail of depiction of Vincenzo Morosini
side altar
detail: Pope Gregory
detail: sculpture in interior niche
detail: sculpture in interior niche
detail: side altar with painting “Madonna Enthroned with Saints”
view towards main altar
view of sculptures and column flanking altar
view of sculpture in interior niche, adjacent to main altar
view of sculpture in interior niche, adjacent to main altar
main altar
view of presbytery with painting “The Jews in the Desert”
view of presbytery with painting “The Last Supper”
view of organ, main altar
detail: sculpture of angel on main altar
detail: sculpture of angel on main altar
detail: sculpture in choir
detail: sculpture in choir
detail: sculptural relief in choir stalls
detail: sculpture in choir stall
detail: sculptural relief in choir stalls
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: central sculpture on main altar
view down nave towards entrance from main altar
view of ceiling and interior of dome above main altar
north choir chapel
detail: painting of Madonna in north choir chapel
detail: painting of Madonna in north choir chapel
detail: domed ceiling, north choir chapel
detail: domed ceiling, north choir chapel
detail: domed ceiling, north choir chapel
detail: column capitals and garland in north choir chapel
Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
detail: altar in Chapel of the Sacrament
view towards main altar and apse
view into apse
view into apse
interior view of entrance
south nave aisle, east chapel
detail: painting, south nave aisle, east chapel
detail: Madonna in Pieta and San Francesco D'Assisi by Palma il Giovane, south nave aisle, east chapel
south chapel
detail: ceiling, south chapel
detail: ceiling, south chapel
south chapel
side chapel
detail: St. Barbara Polyptych by Palma the Elder in side chapel
detail: St. Barbara by Palma the Elder in side chapel
detail: Saint Sebastian by Palma the Elder in side chapel
detail: Altarpiece by Palma the Elder in side chapel
south nave aisle, west chapel
south nave aisle, west chapel
south nave aisle, west chapel
detail: Triptych by Bartolomeo Vivarini, south nave aisle, west chapel
detail: sculpture on font
detail: sculpture on font
side altar
detail: painting in side altar
view of nave towards main altar
side altar to Madonna adjacent to entrance
detail: painting of Madonna in side altar adjacent to entrance
detail: painting of Madonna in side altar adjacent to entrance
north nave aisle, west chapel
north nave aisle, west chapel
north nave aisle, west chapel
north nave aisle, west chapel
north nave aisle, west chapel
detail: painting, north nave aisle, west chapel
detail: column capital, north nave aisle, west chapel
north nave aisle, east chapel
north nave aisle, east chapel
north nave aisle, east chapel