view of left wall of right chapel
Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: ceiling painting, Juno Presenting to Venice the Insignia…
detail: ceiling painting, Istria on left, Verona on right
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Jupiter Makes Venetia Queen of the Seas
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty. To the…
detail: ceiling painting, Venetia as Defender of Liberty
detail: stucco ceiling above door
detail: stucco ceiling
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: stucco ceiling on Western side of room
detail: painting, Sala delle Quattro Porte (Room of Four Doors)
detail: painting, Sala del Collegio
Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling centerpiece, Sala del Senato
Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
Sala del Senato
Sala del Senato
Sala del Senato
detail: Jacopo Palma il giovane's Prudence, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
detail: ceiling, Sala del Senato
Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great Council)
detail: Paradise, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the…
detail: Paradise by Jacopo e Domenico Tintoretto, Sala del…
detail: Paradise, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the…
detail: corner, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Chamber of the Great…
Interior: View of Chamber
Interior: View of Collegio
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Main Council Chamber
Interior: View of Senate Chamber
Interior: View of Senate Chamber
Interior: View of Senate Chamber
Interior: Antichamber
Interior: Antichamber
Painting in the Great Hall
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Adoration of the Golden Calf by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement of Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Detail of Presentation of the Virgin by Tintoretto
Contarini Chapel
Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini Chapel
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
Detail of Miracle of St. Agnes by Tintoretto in the Contarini…
View of Last Judgement by Tintoretto in the Choir
Interior: Crossing
Interior: Contarini Chapel
Interior: Nave
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
side altar
side altar
detail: view into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting
side altar
detail: side altar with painting “Risen Christ and Saint Andrew…
side altar
detail of depiction of Vincenzo Morosini
side altar
detail: Pope Gregory
view of presbytery with painting “The Jews in the Desert”
view of presbytery with painting “The Last Supper”
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: Altar
Interior: East of Crossing
Interior: North Transept
Interior: Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento, South Choir Chapel
Interior: View of the Chapel of Saint Athanasius (Nuns Choir)
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Annunciation, lower hall
detail: Annunciation, lower hall
detail: Assumption of Mary, lower hall
detail: Flight into Egypt, lower hall
detail: Flight into Egypt, lower hall
detail: Circumcision, lower hall
detail: Circumcision, lower hall
detail: Circumcision, lower hall
detail: Massacre of the Innocents
detail: Massacre of the Innocents
detail: Resurrection of Christ, grand hall
grand hall
grand hall
grand hall
view of altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: painting, altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: Pool of Bethesda
detail: Baptism of Christ, grand hall
detail: Baptism of Christ, grand hall
Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
detail: Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
detail: Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
detail: Temptation of Christ, grand hall
detail: Temptation of Christ, grand hall
Crucifixion, grand hall
detail: Crucifixion, grand hall
detail: Crucifixion, grand hall
detail: St. Roch in Glory, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Crucifixion, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Ecce Homo, grand hall
detail: Ecce Homo, grand hall
Christ Before Pilate, grand hall
detail: Christ Before Pilate, grand hall
Moses Striking the Rock, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Moses Striking the Rock, ceiling, grand hall
Pillar of Fire, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Jonah Leaves the Whale's Belly, ceiling, grand hall
Interior: View of Sala dell’Albergo, off Upper Main Hall
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Altar Side
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Center
Interior: View of Grand Hall, at Altar
Interior: View of Grand Hall
Interior: View of Grand Hall, at Far End