detail: Lombardo fireplace, Sala Grimani
Sala Grimani
Sala Grimani
Sala Grimani
Sala Grimani
Interior: Doge's Apartments
Interior: South Nave Chapel
detail: side altar
detail: side altar
detail: side altar
Interior: Nave
right side of central staircase
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: Nave, West End, North Side
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: North Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: Nave, West End, South Side
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: South Aisle
Interior: North Choir Chapel
Interior: South Chapel
Interior: Crossing
Exterior: Façade, Campo
Interior: Nave
Interior: North Transept
Interior: South Transept
tomb of Marco Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Giorgio Cornaro
tomb of Marco Cornaro
tomb of Marco Cornaro
Interior: Albergo
Interior: View of Lower Ground Floor Hall
Exterior: View of the Facade from the Campo
Exterior: View of the Facade from the Campo
Interior: View of the Main Hall, Chapel and Coffered Ceiling
Interior: View of the Main Hall, Chapel and Coffered Ceiling
Interior: View of the Main Hall, Chapel and Coffered Ceiling
Interior: View of the Main Hall, Chapel and Coffered Ceiling
Interior: View from Top Landing of Staircase to Upper Hall
view of doorway leading to Codussi's grand staircase (…
view of doorway
Sala Capitolare
detail: painting, left side of altar
detail: painting, right side of altar
view of Sala Capitolare towards altar
view of Sala Capitolare towards altar
detail: coffered ceiling, Main Hall
detail: coffered ceiling, Main Hall
detail: coffered ceiling, Main Hall
passage between upper hall and Sala dell'Albergo
view of doorway leading to Codussi's grand staircase (…
detail: sculptural relief of Healing of Sant'Aniano, facade
detail: sculptural relief of Healing of Sant'Aniano, facade
detail: sculptural relief of lion, facade
detail: sculptural relief of lion, facade
detail: lunette, facade
view of facade from the Campo
view of facade from the Campo
view of facade from the Campo
view of facade and entrance portal
view of facade and entrance portal
view of facade from the Campo
detail: windows, facade
detail: window, facade
detail: window, facade
detail: roof crowning
detail: window, facade
detail: windows, facade
view of facade from Campo
detail: sculpture of lion passant