Panorama Tour
Panorama Tour
Exterior: Campo, Southern Elevation
view of canal side
view of rear facing Campo de l'Abazia; facade of Abbazia…
view of rear facing Campo de l'Abazia
view of rear facing Campo de l'Abazia and adjacent canal
wall connecting Scuola Grande and Abbazia della Misericordia
wall connecting Scuola Grande and Abbazia della Misericordia
View from across canal
view of neighboring campanile, garden
view of cloister
detail: column capital, cloister
detail: column capital, cloister
detail: column capital, cloister
detail: carving in arcade, cloister
detail: column capital, cloister
view of cloister
view of neighboring campanile, garden
view of cloister
detail: embedded columns and insignia
detail: embedded columns and insignia
detail: corner, main floor
view from roof into garden
view from roof towards Abbazia della Misericordia
view from roof towards campanile
view from roof towards Sacca della Misericordia Marina
view from roof towards Abbazia della Misericordia
view from roof towards Sacca della Misericordia Marina
Facade of Abbazia della Misericordia
Exterior: View of Inner Courtyard
Exterior: Garden View
Exterior: Garden View
Interior: Scuola Vecchia, Main Floor
Exterior: Scuola Vecchia, Roof
Exterior: Scuola Nuova, Southern Corner of Facade
Exterior: Scuola Nuova, Main Facade
Exterior: View from Ponte della Misericordia
Exterior: View from Campo de l'Abazia
view of clocktower from Campo Santi Apostoli
campanile, Campo facade
Exterior: Campo Façade (North Transept)
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Adoration, lower hall
detail: Annunciation, lower hall
detail: Annunciation, lower hall
view of lower hall from altar side
detail: Assumption of Mary, lower hall
detail: Flight into Egypt, lower hall
detail: Flight into Egypt, lower hall
detail: Circumcision, lower hall
detail: Circumcision, lower hall
detail: Circumcision, lower hall
detail: sculpture of St. Roch in lower hall, altar side
detail: sculpture of St. Roch in lower hall, altar side
detail: Massacre of the Innocents
detail: Massacre of the Innocents
view of the grand staircase
detail: The Virgin Appearing to the Plague Victims, grand…
detail: The Madonna Saving Venice from the Plague, grand…
detail: The Madonna Saving Venice from the Plague, grand…
detail: Resurrection of Christ, grand hall
grand hall
grand hall
grand hall
view of altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: painting, altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: altar, grand hall
detail: sculpture near altar, grand hall
detail: sculpture near altar, grand hall
detail: sculpture near altar, grand hall
detail: Allegory of Painting, as represented by Tintoretto
detail: Allegory of Sculpture, as represented by Cicero
detail: Allegory of Scandal and Scruple
detail: Allegory of Scandal and Scruple
detail: Allegory of Fury
detail: wooden sculpture of Hercules between columns, grand hall
detail: Pool of Bethesda
detail: Baptism of Christ, grand hall
detail: Baptism of Christ, grand hall
Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
detail: Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
detail: Adoration of the Shepherds, grand hall
detail: Temptation of Christ, grand hall
detail: Temptation of Christ, grand hall
Crucifixion, grand hall
detail: Crucifixion, grand hall
detail: Crucifixion, grand hall
detail: St. Roch in Glory, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Crucifixion, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Road to Calvary, grand hall
Ecce Homo, grand hall
detail: Ecce Homo, grand hall
Christ Before Pilate, grand hall
detail: Christ Before Pilate, grand hall
Moses Striking the Rock, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Moses Striking the Rock, ceiling, grand hall
Pillar of Fire, ceiling, grand hall
detail: Jonah Leaves the Whale's Belly, ceiling, grand hall
detail: painting depicting life of St. John the Evangelist
detail: painting depicting life of St. John the Evangelist
detail: painting depicting life of St. John the Evangelist
detail: painting, main salone
detail: painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: Last Judgement, ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
detail: ceiling painting, main salone
view of entrance from altar, main salone
detail: entrance, main salone
detail: sculptural relief above entrance, main salone
detail: interior cornice, main salone
Oratorio della Croce
detail: painting, Oratorio della Croce
detail: painting, Oratorio della Croce
Oratorio della Croce
Oratorio della Croce
Grand staircase
detail: window, Grand staircase
detail: angels
view towards altar, main salone
view towards altar, main salone
altar, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
detail: altar sculpture, main salone
Interior: View of Sala dell’Albergo, off Upper Main Hall
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Altar Side
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Center
Exterior: View from Campo San Rocco
Interior: View of Grand Hall, at Altar
Interior: View of Grand Hall
Interior: View of Grand Hall, at Far End
Interior: View of Staircase Looking Up To Main Hall
Interior: View of Staircase
Exterior: Facade and Church
Interior: Albergo
Interior: View of Oratorio della Croce
Interior: View of Main Upper Meeting Hall
Interior: View of San Giovanni Hall
Interior: View of San Giovanni Hall
Interior: Hall of Columns
Interior: Grand Staircase
Interior: Grand Staircase
Exterior: View of Court and Marble Screen