view from Bacino San Marco
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
Dome of Poetics
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
detail: entrance staircase
detail: ceiling, entrance staircase
Interior: Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
detail: ceiling, Vestibule
Great Hall (Salone)
detail: ceiling, Great Hall (Salone)
detail: painting, Great Hall (Salone)
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
detail: painting, Great Hall (Salone)
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
Painting in the Great Hall
detail: end wall and entrance vestibule of Great Hall (Salone)
Detail of Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Detail of Painting of Philosopher in the Great Hall
Great Hall (Salone)
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
detail: ceiling, Great Hall (Salone)
Detail of Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
Ceiling Medallion in Great Hall
corner of Sansovino Library and Procuratie Nuove