view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
View from Fondamenta Saulte
Interior: North Aisle Chapel
Interior: North Aisle Chapel
Interior: North Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Aisle Chapel
Interior: South Aisle Chapel
Interior: Choir
Interior: Crossing
Exterior: Northwest View
Exterior: Southwest View
Exterior: Western View
Interior: Nave
Interior: Nave
Interior: Sacristy
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: statue of St. John in niche
detail: sculpture in niche, facade
detail: doorway arch
detail: Statue of St. Matthew in niche
detail: Statue of St. Mark in niche
detail: sculpture
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: drum of dome
detail: drum of dome
detail: dome buttresses
detail: dome buttresses
detail: sculpture, facade
detail: sculpture, facade
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: sculpture of St. Mark, facade
detail: sculpture of St. Mark, facade
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
view of side and dome
view of side
detail: pediment with sculpture
detail: pediment with sculpture
detail: pediment and sculptures
detail: pediment and sculptures
detail: pediment with Palladian window
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture of St. John in niche
detail: column capital with sculpture
detail: pediment and sculpture of Madonna and child