Interior: View of Nave and Pesaro Altarpiece
Interior: View of South Nave
Interior: View of South Nave
Interior: High Altar
Interior: Nave
detail: Altar of the Immaculate Conception
detail: altarpiece, Altar of the Immaculate Conception
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical sculpture in Vendramin Chapel
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
Main Reading Room, former courtyard of the Zecca
main facade
main facade
detail: sculpture of St. George in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
main facade
main facade
view down nave towards entrance
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: columns, sculpture right of entrance
detail: columns, sculpture left of entrance
Exterior: Façade
Exterior: Façade
Interior: Nave
detail: sculpture of Antonio Barbaro, facade
detail: sculpture of Iomaria Barbaro, facade
detail: sculpture of Marinus Barbaro, facade
detail: Sculpture of Iomaria Barbaro, facade
Interior: North Transept, Chapel
view of lower hall from altar side
detail: sculpture of St. Roch in lower hall, altar side
detail: sculpture of St. Roch in lower hall, altar side
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Altar Side
Interior: View of Lower Hall from Center