view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view East from the Ponte dell'Accademia
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view from Bacino San Marco
view of chancel
view of chancel
view of chancel
chancel and main altar
detail: altar, featuring the remains of St Laurence Giustiniani…
detail: left side of altar
detail: Saint Paul and Saint Mark on right side of altar
view of Vendramin Chapel from across aisle
detail: Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
Right wall of Vendramin Chapel
Left wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: bas-relief on right wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: bas-relief on right wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical statue in Vendramin Chapel
detail: bas-relief on left wall of Vendramin Chapel
detail: sculpture on main altar above altarpiece, Vendramin…
detail: sculpture, Vendramin Chapel
detail: allegorical sculpture in Vendramin Chapel
view of Grand Canal, looking northwest from near Accademia…
view of Grand Canal, looking south with Ca' Rezzonico at…
view looking southwest along the Grand Canal, with the Ca'…
general view of Grand Canal, taken across from Palazzo Loredan
view of Ca' Rezzonico, facade on Grand Canal
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
view of Ca' Rezzonico from across the Grand Canal
Exterior: Casin di Palazzo Lezze
View from across canal
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
detail: windows, facade
detail: windows, facade
view of side looking northwest from Grand Canal
view northwest on Grand Canal towards Ca’ Pesaro
view from east bank of Rialto
view across Bacino San Marco towards San Giorgio Maggiore from…
main facade
main facade
view of side entrance
detail: sculpture of St. George in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: sculpture of St. Stephen in niche, main facade
detail: column capitals, main facade
detail: emblem, main facade
detail: late 16th c. bust of Doge Tribuno Memmo in niche, main…
detail: late 16th c. bust of Doge Tribuno Memmo in niche, main…
main facade
main facade
view down nave towards entrance
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: sculpture flanking entrance, interior
detail: painting of St. George
view down nave towards altar
view of altar and organ
detail: columns, sculpture right of entrance
detail: columns, sculpture left of entrance
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
detail: sculpture in niche in corner flanking nave
side altar with painting by Leandro Bassano
side altar with painting by Leandro Bassano
side altar
side altar
detail: sculpture in niche, interior
detail: sculpture in niche, interior
detail: side altar
detail: sculpture of St. Maurus in niche and column, interior
detail: sculpture of St. Maurus in niche, interior
detail: side altar, bust and dedication
detail: side altar, bust and dedication
detail: side altar with Madonna
detail: statue of Madonna
detail: view of nave towards entrance
detail: view of nave towards entrance
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
detail: side altar with painting
detail: painting in side altar
detail: side altar with painting “Martyrdom of Saints”
side altar
side altar
detail: view across aisle
detail: view into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting
side altar
detail: sculpture on interior pediment of altar surrounding…
detail: sculpture on interior pediment of altar surrounding…
view across aisle into side chapel
view across aisle into side chapel
detail: side altar with painting “Risen Christ and Saint Andrew…
side altar
detail of depiction of Vincenzo Morosini
side altar
detail: Pope Gregory
detail: sculpture in interior niche
detail: sculpture in interior niche
detail: side altar with painting “Madonna Enthroned with Saints”
view towards main altar
view of sculptures and column flanking altar
view of sculpture in interior niche, adjacent to main altar
view of sculpture in interior niche, adjacent to main altar
main altar
view of presbytery with painting “The Jews in the Desert”
view of presbytery with painting “The Last Supper”
view of organ, main altar
detail: sculpture of angel on main altar
detail: sculpture of angel on main altar
detail: sculpture in choir
detail: sculpture in choir
detail: sculptural relief in choir stalls
detail: sculpture in choir stall
detail: sculptural relief in choir stalls
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: sculpture in niche along ceiling of choir
detail: central sculpture on main altar
view down nave towards entrance from main altar
view of ceiling and interior of dome above main altar
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: statue of St. John in niche
detail: sculpture in niche, facade
detail: doorway arch
detail: Statue of St. Matthew in niche
detail: Statue of St. Mark in niche
detail: sculpture
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: drum of dome
detail: drum of dome
detail: dome buttresses
detail: dome buttresses
detail: sculpture, facade
detail: sculpture, facade
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: sculpture of St. Mark, facade
detail: sculpture of St. Mark, facade
detail: column capital and sculpture
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
view of side and dome
view of side
detail: pediment with sculpture
detail: pediment with sculpture
detail: pediment and sculptures
detail: pediment and sculptures
detail: pediment with Palladian window
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture in niche
detail: sculpture of St. John in niche
detail: column capital with sculpture
detail: pediment and sculpture of Madonna and child